Part 8

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POV: Derek is at NY and Meredith is being paged by Miguel all the time.

-" You paged me at the cafeteria?" Asked Meredith

-" I did!" Answered Miguel

-" Don't you have work to do?" Asked Meredith

-" I have but... i wanted to spend my break with you. I want to buy you a coffee and maybe talk, i would like to get to know you better."He replied

-" Look, thats nice from you, but i'm a resident, i have a really busy schedule and i don't have that much time. Maybe another time." Said Meredith and left

Meredith went to an on- call room, where Cristina was sleeping.

-" Cristina....Cristina...wake up." Said Meredith

-"What happened?" Asked Cristina

-" Can you replace me in a surgery with Miguel tonight? He paged me at the cafeteria to buy me a coffee but i left. I don't want to talk to him. Please switch with me and i will do whatever you want." Begged Meredith

-" I would, but Burke will perform a valve replacement in a 2 months old baby, i cant lose it. Im sorry. Cant Izzie or George do it?" Asked Cristina

-" Izzie is still in bed and George is covering the pits alone because Alex is sick too. Anyways i have to go." Said Meredith

After hours it was time for Merediths and Miguels surgery. While she was walking to the OR her phone rung.

-" Hey babe, how are you?" Asked Derek

-" Hey. I'm exhausted and i also have night shift."Replied Meredith

-" Ohh i'm sorry for that."

-" Yeah, how are you? Are you done with your surgery?" Asked Meredith

-" No we haven't even started. Emmas flight was late and she will be here in a half an hour." Answered Derek

-" Who is Emma?" Asked Meredith

-" The other neurosurgeon. Dr.Adams.It is a complicated procedure and it will last many hours. We have to be two so we can switch during the surgery."

-" Oh i get it. Good luck for that. I have to go now. We will talk later. Love you!"

-" Love you too." Said Derek. He didn't got to close the phone when a friend from the hospital at NY called him.

-" Hey Shepherd. I talked with Dr.Adams and she said that she will be a little more late. She asked for the surgery to be moved for tomorrow so she can have time to rest after the flight. Is that okay from you?"

-" Ohh, okay yes. Can you call to change my flight?" Asked Derek

-" Sure. We'll talk later." Said Derek's friend and closed the phone.

Meanwhile Meredith was scrubbing for the surgery with Miguel when he walked in.

-" So...are you gonna keep avoiding me?" He asked

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