Chapter 6: Brother's love

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Akemi's POV

I spent my free time tutoring Kise so that he could pass and play basketball while I have my peace back. Surprisingly, he is a fast learner, he managed to understand the problems in 2 tries making me wonder if he learns fast then why the heck didn't he learn when the teacher was teaching us

I sighed and checked the sample problems I gave Kise and wasn't surprised to see that he perfected it

"You have a perfect score Kise," I said giving it back and fixing my things

"Now you don't need me anymore," I said and stood up

"W-Wait Tanakacchi," He said

'Oh right he's calling me with a -cchi now as well' I thought and looked at him raising my eyebrow

"How can I repay you?" He asked

"Nothing you bought me food last time that's enough"

"But Tanakacchi" He whined, "What about I treat you after my make-up exams?" He asked happily and I of course refused again. But he wouldn't stop whining like an idiot so I agreed, saying he'll never talk to me again after in exchange


'I'm bored' I thought as I waited on a bench for Kise to finish and eat lunch. I stood up and began walking to where my feet could drag me. After walking for a while I got lost again

'God when will I ever remember the route' I thought to myself turning back until I heard voices

"Oi, why are you still hanging around with that blond brat?" One guy asked

"Ha? Isn't it obvious? He's a freaking model, he has a lot of money ya idiot!" The other guy said

'Are they talking about Kise?' I thought

"Ya idiot he's just some brat that's bragging and boasting about him being a model" The first guy laughed, I was about to walk away since eavesdropping is bad but I stopped because of what he said next

Kise's POV

"Huh?" I thought not seeing the girl I was looking for on the bench "Where did she go?" I asked myself

"Eh?! Did she ditch me?!" I said and ran hoping I could find her somewhere

'Tanakacchi where are you?' I thought hoping she didn't ditch me. I continued running until someone spoke

"Oi, why are you still hanging around with that blond brat?" A guy asked

"Ha? Isn't it obvious? He's a freaking model, he has a lot of money ya idiot!" The other said

"Ya idiot he's just some brat that's bragging and boasting about him being a model" The first guy laughed "He's probably enjoying his damn life having a good face and an athlete at that what a bastard" He laughed even more "What if we destroy his life? Saying lies to social media about him actually going around, fucking girls" He said

'Ouch' I thought I clenched my fist and was about to step up but someone beat me to it

"Oi,'' That voice...Tanakacchi?! I leaned closer to see that it was really Tanakacchi

"Don't you dare do that'' She said glaring at the two boys. She was different, she wasn't the normal cold Tanakacchi...right now her cold eyes are even colder and she looked scary

"Ha? Who are you one of his fans? Don't fuck with me" He said

"As if I want to fuck someone as disgusting as you" She retorted "Don't get me wrong I ain't that idiot's fan but as someone who's with him for the past weeks, I know that he's doing his damn best to get where he is now unlike you disgusting uneducated worms who just envy someone when you don't even give an effort to be better yourselves"

√ 𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝕆𝕟𝕖 𝕎𝕙𝕠 𝕊𝕥𝕒𝕪𝕖𝕕 || 𝘒𝘪𝘴𝘦 𝘙𝘺𝘰𝘶𝘵𝘢 𝘹 𝘖𝘊जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें