Chapter 2: Kaijou High School

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Akemi's POV

'This school is so damn huge' I thought walking around the campus of Kaijou 'Where the fuck is this building anyway?' I asked holding a paper Akane gave me. I've already been walking for 28 minutes looking for a single building. I sighed and sat on a bench somewhere and took a rest. I leaned my head and closed my eyes 'God why do I have to go to school anyway? It's not like they'll be useful in my future job' I thought

My morning is not good at all. First I fell from my bed landing on my face earlier cause I was startled by my neighbours loud voices fighting who the heck will catch their dog's shit and the walls in my apartment are not soundproof at all, I mean who the hell fights about dumb things like that? Second, I was in an elevator with a couple making out, like get your horny asses out of the elevator. Lastly, I am damn lost in this big-ass school.

I sighed again opening my eyes slowly raising my hand up in the air 

'The sky is so clear today not a cloud in sight' I thought 'I should start walking again or else I'm gonna be late' I stood up and decided to ask a guard.


'Thank God I'm finally here but....where the hell am I?!' I thought standing in the middle of a corridor. Wondering how I got lost again? Well, I asked a guard where the building is located, and with his guidance, I finally got inside but since this building is as complicated as the whole school...I got lost

I continued walking searching for the faculty room when I bumped into someone 

'What's with me bumping into someone for two days straight now'

"O-Oh s-sorry" He said stuttering and blushing uncontrollably

'What's with this guy? A creep?' I thought as I backed away from him. He seemed to notice my uneasiness and spoke

"I-I'm not a c-creep I swear," He said "I'm just really bad with g-girls" his voice getting lower and lower though I could still hear him

"A-Anyway are you new? I haven't seen you before" He asked

"I am," I said blankly

"Do you know where the faculty room is?" He asked again and I didn't reply. He took that as a no and started speaking again

"Do you want me to show you the way?" He suggested making me look up at him and nodded

He has short, spiky black hair and sharp steel blue eyes. His eyebrows are thick and he's tall...Well for me since I'm short. His tie is a little bit loose and has a sports bag on his shoulders

He started walking with me following from behind

"M-My name's Kasamatsu Yukio a 3rd year," He said and glanced at me over his shoulder

"Tanaka Akemi 1st year" I replied still with a poker face

After walking for a couple of minutes we reached a door with the words 'FACULTY' written. I faced the guy called Kasamatsu and bowed slightly as thanks and went inside

Kasamatsu's POV

'She didn't even say thanks' I thought as I stood in front of the faculty room. I scratched my head and began walking towards the gym for practice

When I got there I saw all of them whispering. I sighed 'These slackers are gossiping again' I thought making my way to the locker rooms to change

"KASAMATSU!!" Moriyama called out my name making me mad

"YOU'RE TOO NOISY!!" I yelled back

"Is it true?! You have a girlfriend now?!?" He asked me while shaking my shoulders "Someone saw you with a girl just now!"

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