Chapter 41: Breaking the Ice

Start from the beginning

"Wow." Lloyd stared at the screen. "That's a lot of people. What are they doing?"

"It looks like they're preparing for something—like a meeting," Nya said thoughtfully.

"Can we get a wider shot of the place?" Cole asked, frowning in thought.

Zane nodded, and after a moment the scene moved. The falcon flew into the air and swept over the courtyard, displaying the courtyard, towers, and massive wall for the viewers to spectate. For a few minutes they observed the fortress. Then Cole let out a deep breath. "That's going to be really hard to get into."

"What are the chances that they've got a modern security system?" Liana asked from behind Lloyd. "Their methods were kind of medieval last time, but it's been several years now, and times have changed."

"Considering the fact that Dog Bone is a rich crime lord with underground systems scattered all over Ninjago and has hundreds of thieves and smugglers working for him, I'd say the chances are pretty high," Nya replied, furrowing her eyebrows. "I can't tell what exactly he has, but I can see some spy cameras on the wall, especially at the main gate."

The scene had shifted over to the entrance, where two massive wooden doors stood imperiously between the thick stone walls. Two guards stood there, each holding a musket and leaning against the doors, looking bored. One was scratching his butt.

"Maybe we could get in from above," Lloyd suggested, gesturing to the jagged steeples of the tall towers.

"That would be extremely risky, and we would be easily seen by any guards posted at the gate," Zane said. "Even if we used our Elemental dragons or Airjitzu, they could hear us and sound the alarm. It doesn't help that every window on those towers are barred, and although I am equipped with a saw that allows to me break through such material, it could take too much time and be very difficult to get everyone inside."

"OK, then, so not through the roof," Loyd sighed.

"And who exactly is 'everyone'?" Cole interjected. "Are we all going to in there? Wouldn't that make things harder?"

Wu responded. "I believe it would be wise if some of us stayed aboard the Bounty and kept track of the team rescuing Little Leaf. The smaller the group, the smaller the chance of being caught."

"You're not leaving me out, if that's what you're thinking." Eagle Talon scowled at Cole with hostility. "Little Leaf's my half-sister. I need to make sure she's all right."

"We didn't say we'd leave you out," Cole responded, though privately he thought that it would be easier if the werecat would stay behind. He still wasn't quite sure if he could trust Talon or not. "If you do come, though, we're going to have to work together as a team. If we can't trust each other do stick to the plan, we might not be able to save Little Leaf."

Talon didn't look as if he liked that at all, but he nodded in acquiescence. "Fine."

"Who else?" Cole asked.

"I'm going," Lloyd and Nya said at the same time, then both shared a look of amusement.

"So am I," Zane said.

"Me, too," Liana said firmly.

Cole felt an uncomfortable twinge of unease. "Are you sure? You're not a ninja."

Liana's milky eyes flashed angrily. "Neither is Talon! What, you don't think I can take care of myself? Because I'm blind?"

Cole winced. That was a little too close to the truth, although another reason for Cole's reluctance was that he didn't want to have to work with Liana on this mission. Sharing the same room with her was uncomfortable enough. The frostiness between them hadn't changed, and it would be difficult enough with Talon on the team.

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