Strings of Fate 5

Start from the beginning

Terrence took a few steps back. Don't let them touch. If Madame could touch, they would bury themselves so deep into Terrence that it would be years before he could see straight again. It didn't stop a frown covered their face. A trace of what Terrence would call hurt flashed in their eyes, but he wasn't sure. Could Madame feel hurt? Possibly. He wasn't sure. Everything he had learnt suggested not.

"You ran. From the people who cared about you and brought you up. Why?" The voice was not a question. It was a demand.

"You're the oracle. You tell me," Terrence was near the edge of the area. Another few steps and it was in danger of falling into the audience. As Madame had already proved, they could pluck him back out again with a click and a wave of their long fingers. Magic had limits, probably, but this was their domain.

"Actions are one thing. Feelings are another," Madame argued back, their tone sharp. "Please, Jaz. I simply wish to know why you left."

"As would I."

Every hair on Terrence's body stood on end. Any warmth in the room fled.

He turned to face Marquez. The tiger was vibrating, eyes locked on Terrence with the intense determination that haunted Terrence's dreams. This time Marquez knew who he was. Furious wasn't the right word for how angry the tiger was with him. There were a few ways to play this. Throwing himself to the ground and begging forgiveness might work, or it could anger Marquez more. Or he could be an arrogant brat. He was going to be in pain regardless.

"Marquez," Terrence said, unable to force his voice lout enough to pull off the arrogant brat image. He bowed his head slightly. A polite greeting he'd use at work. A good start, not quite begging but not outright disrespectful either.

"Terrence, is it now? I thought I knew your scent." Marquez voice was barely above a growl. It radiated from the tiger and resonated against his skin. "You lied to me."

It slapped against his face like a physical blow. Terrance tried to look away but Marquez let out a dangerous sound which stopped him.

His eyes flicked to the ground at the man's feet. The tiger was not happy with Terrance. Those last words held a threat everyone could hear. Terrence was adding to his list of offences. Punishments at the circus were not pleasant. Everyone was on a tight rope and while children were given some leeway, adults had none. Everything needed to work and people who failed or fought against the system learnt not to fast. Lying was not tolerated, especially not to the ringmaster or Madame X.

"What was I supposed to do?" Terrence clenched his fists, braving a look back up at Marquez's face. "I could hardly tell you who I am, could I? Even if my intension was to return, your reaction to my scent wasn't positive, was it?"

There was a flicker of something on Marquez's face. Embarrassment? The low rumble of anger shifted. He was angry but less so. Or starting to calm. "I suppose."

"Marquez?" Madame shifted in, walking to the tiger and resting a hand on his shoulder.

"I didn't hurt him."

"Just punched a hole in the ticket booth wall," Terrence said with a fake cheerful tone. "Real reassuring."

"You're avoiding the question," Marquez rumbled.

Terrence snorted, running a hand through his hair. Why had he left? That was a little complicated now. "My reasons for leaving is not one to tell on stage," Terrance said, needing time to pull them together as an adult. Tonight the reasons would sound childish and like was pulling a tantrum. There were no guarantees they wouldn't in the morning but it wouldn't be in front of an audience of enchanted people. And Daniel, who Terrence could only assume was watching in horror. "You are welcome to come down to my bakery tomorrow and I will talk to you then. Tonight is not the night for sorting old debts."

Marquez looked like he wanted to say something but Madame X put their hand on his arm to stop him. Their eyes were calculating as she studied him.

"True. The stage is no place for that conservation. However, do not think we will let this slide, sweetling. You are part of us as much as we are part of you and we will not allow you to stay away from us any longer."

Terrance narrowed his eyes as a darker tone moved into Madame's voice. An echo of power which so many believed to be fairy tales. The voice no longer female or male, but just power and hunger. The ring was humming as magic spread from her. Invisible tendrils wrapped around him, not stopping him from moving but reaffirming their grip on him. Now was the time if he was going to behave to kneel and obey.

He wasn't going to do that.

"That is not your decision to make, Madame," Terrance put his foot on the edge of the arena.

Marquez bared his fangs. There was a mental countdown for when the tiger stopped caring and just dived at Terrence. But it was Madame X who spoke next. The shadows were growing from the figure and it was harder to focus on the beautiful woman figure. Instead, it seemed to shift like liquid, bubbling as the ground shook. The lights flickered and the murmur from the other hybrids grew.

"You dare question my word?" The words echoed.

"I no longer answer to you," Terrence choked, shifting to defend himself as the sand lashed against him. It cut his arm, a drop of blood rolled down his arm. "I broke out. You have no right to me. I'm not yours anymore."

Silence filled the tent. That was possibly not the thing to say. That broke a law of the circus. Madame owned their souls and beings. There was no way out from that and anyone who suggested otherwise did not last long. In for a penny, in for a pound. It wasn't like he was expecting them to not make him suffer for escaping. At this point, he was fully expecting to be thrown in one of the cages and left to rot for a few weeks. The moment after Madame had returned to him his hybrid form, of course.

When nothing happened for a few moments, He lowered his arm, looking over at them. He half expected to see a monster running at him. Instead, Madame was expressionless at his audacity. Their form was mostly solid again but it was contorted. Her nails long and dragging on the sand, their back now hunched and all resemblance of human eyes were gone.

"What?" It was Marquez who spoke. His fangs were bared, like a wild animal ready to attack.

"I am free. I do not answer to either you or Madame X anymore" Terrance said, hoping he sounded braver than he felt. No one was behind him. If he had to jump, he wouldn't break the illusion of whichever sod he landed on.

"We made you."

"You did no such thing! You made Jaz. I am not him! I will not give up everything I have achieved to satisfy your own need for ownership. I am Terrance. I am human." The timing had to be right. None of the hybrids had moved to stop him. They were under orders not to interfere but there was no way to know if that would continue once he was off the arena.

"Then you leave us no choice," Marquez growled. He charged forward. Terrence jumped to the side.

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