New Times Part 22

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Dazai/ 3rd person

The cool ocean breeze turned the leaves from green into a wilting light brown. Double Black's relationship has been going smoothly. Everyone survived what Fyodor plotted that summer. The city of Yokohoma can finally rest in peace.

Now, it was another calm Saturday afternoon at the office.

"Atsushi, what's with you and Akutagawa?" Tanizaki asks. Not putting much effort into the question. An empty statement that doesn't have the need to be responded with an answer.

Atsushi instantly perked up, "What? Nothing! Nothing at all! Hahaha..."

Dazai smirked. Dazai, himself, has noticed the difference in their behaviors. Yes, they fought at school at some point. However, between themselves, tension was building up. Atsushi has been skipping instead of walking, while Akutagawa has been staring off into oblivion. Both distracted in a way.

"Huh? But Atsushi hasn't been hanging out with us for a long time. You've gone towards Akutagawa instead of us at lunchtime." Kenji states, his expression growing a bit dim.

"Ehh? Sorry, Kenji-san. I'll eat with you and Tanizaki-san when we get back on Monday."

"Yay! Atsushi is going to eat with us at school!"

"That would be nice. But anyway, what's with you and Akutagawa. One day, you guys were fighting in the street and then. In school, you guys were having conversations as if you guys weren't enemies."

"That's um... Part of an agreement we have with each other because we have all of our classes together. For some reason, somehow. We are not exchanging information with each other about our organization! We're just friends! There nothing to worry about, Tanizaki-san!" Atsushi blushed profusely, contradicting his statement.

"Oh? That look on your face isn't helping, Atsushi-kun." Dazai snickered.

"Um, Dazai-san?"

"Don't worry, little one. Having friends in the Port Mafia isn't necessarily bad as long you're not giving information away. Why would you, after all?"

Atsushi sighs, relieved that he wasn't in any trouble. It made sense why he isn't in any trouble because Dazai is in a relationship with Chuuya. They are strangely forced to see each other more often than not.

Poor Atsushi and Akutagawa having to deal with this couple's antics on a daily basis. Chuuya has, in a way, become Atsushi's motherly figure, only slightly though. Chuuya is the more responsible one between the two of them so Atsushi had gained respect for him. On Akutagawa's side, it's just a normal complicated father-son relationship. 

(Dazai states this is an incest family. Chuuya says to shut up.)

"So how are you two doing? Done anything risky yet?" Dazai quirked his eyebrow, a sly smirk on his face.

"Hah!? No, no, no, no, no! Of course not! Stop whatever you're thinking, Dazai-san!"

Dazai has bought the idea of getting Akutagawa and Atsushi together with Chuuya many times, trying to convince Chuuya to do something with them. Chuuya was against "helping" them, saying that they should work this out on their own.

If they want help, they'll ask it themselves.

The couple talked a lot about everything. They talked about the organizations they were in. Both sides were fine with staying where they are, and if anyone found out. It was fine as long they don't tell anyone.

They hang out often. Talking and talking. Yes, they argue more often than not but, they were happy.

Their relationship was fixed with time. They had some of the spring and summer to catch up and mend what was broken. They gathered the shattered glass pieces and put them together into a masterpiece. One greater than the original. 

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