Talking Part 20

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"Akutagawa-senpai! Are you hurt?"

"Shut up, Higuchi."

"Sorry, Akutagawa-senpai."

"Status of the situation."

"All according to plan, Senpai. There's one more on the east backside of the post. After this guy, we should be able to wrap the mission."

"Very well." Akutagawa drops down from the top of the building, using Rashoumon to safely land on the ground. The rain pounded on Akutagawa's shoulders, muffling the tapping of his footsteps. The pattering of the rain was the only sound that could be heard tonight. Soon, the sound of blood raining down could be heard with a thud of a dead body.

This reminded him about his first kill back in the slums. It was a day with heavy showers. Many of the abandoned children gathered under some cover of some metal sheets. It wasn't long until older kids want to go where they were. Akutagawa, only 5-6 at the time, was holding his little sister, trying to keep her warm. They yelled for them to get out, bloodlust traced their words, knowing the ways here.

If they don't move, they were going to get kicked out, or worse, killed. Akutagawa was shielding his sister from the beatings they were giving out. They were throwing the knocked-out and dead bodies out of the shelter.

Then his gift activated for the first time. His muddy scarf turned into a blade and sliced through all of the older kids' bodies. Cutting 7-10 of them in halves.

Akutagawa wasn't fazed until he realized what he had done. Some were scared and ran away, others were shocked, and his friends cheered. When he noticed Rashoumon, he was frightened until he realized he had control over it. It wasn't long until it turned back into his scarf.

Akutagawa's face was devoid of grief or emotion, not caring anymore that he killed people. He just went back under the metal sheets and held his sister to make sure she doesn't get cold and sick.

Killing wasn't a pleasure; it was solely a tool to use to survive. A job needed to get done. That was the start of Akutagawa's bloodstained path of life. He doesn't regret killing them; it was either he or them. Nothing more, nothing less.

"Seems you're doing just fine on your job today, aren't you?" A tall man appeared out of the shadow with a black umbrella. 


"It's been a while since I last saw you, Akutagawa. Not that long, at least." He moves the umbrella to reveal his face. It was Dazai.

"Excuse me for a second." he pushes a button on an earpiece, "Higuchi, the mission is done. Go home and take care of my sister."

"But Senpai! I need to-"

"I commend you to go home."

"Yes, Akutagawa." Her voices disappear from the earpiece.

"I'm done. What do you want with me?"

"I just want to talk, that's all. Why not we leave this place? The cleaner should be coming by now."

"Ok." What does Dazai-san want from me? 

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