Encounter Part 19

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Today was a rare occurrence as it was Chuuya's day off. Chuuya takes in a breath of his cigarette. Sighing out heavily, polluting the air around himself with smoke. Today is a nice day, isn't it? He was at the local park nearby the apartment complex he lives at. Damn that Akutagawa. Don't blame him though, he's just a child. It has only been around a few days since Akutagawa asked his questions. Chuuya felt his shoulders lighten, but his head became heavier. His mind was clouded with dreams, memories, and emotions of Dazai. All came from the deep desire he had buried within himself years ago, trying to save himself from the pain of abandonment.

Chuuya scrunched his nose at the foulness of the smoke. I should probably stop, shouldn't I? A memory from when they were 17 flashes through his mind.
"Chibi-chan, you should probably stop smoking."

"Why should I? It's not like I do it often. I only do like four per year."

"I don't want your lungs shrinking. You're already so short." Chuuya punches Dazai in the gut.

"Shut up about my height!"

"I-I love you too." Dazai clutches his stomach, bending over in pain.

"Tch."  love you.

Chuuya clamped down on the cigarette. You're still the most annoying person that had ever existed to this day and yet. Chuuya felt his heart do a flip inside himself. Head warring with emotions that he doesn't want to deal with right now. How am I still head over heels for such a man?

Nearby a cry was heard. It was quiet, but it was the sound of sobbing. Huh, is someone crying? Chuuya's mind suddenly cleared. He stands up, stomps out his cigarette, and goes towards the sound. He goes through the trees nearby and found someone there. A child? 

"Hey, hey, are you ok?" The child looks up, eyes wet with tears.

"Mama! You're not Mama. Where's Mama?" He seems to be only around 5. Chuuya glanced down, finding that the little boy's knee was scraped and bloody.

"I'm not your mama, but I can help you. Can I help you?" The boy nodded his head, eyes still watery. "Let me look at this first." He lifts the boy's knee, taking a closer look. It just needs to be cleaned and covered, nothing too serious. Then the realization hits him. Wait, I'm one of two Port Mafia executives, supposedly the strongest in the Port Mafia, and yet, I'm here helping a child.

I'm glad I'm not wearing my usual outfit. Something like this would have ruined my reputation. Chuuya was wearing a long sleeve white t-shirt with a red cardigan draped around his shoulders and dark sand leggings. His hat was at the cleaner, and his hair was in a messy ponytail, making him not recognizable.

"What's your name?"

"Kyo, Kyo Seki."

"Kyo, can you walk?"

"Yeah." he slowly stands ups, winching a bit at the pain in his knee.

"Here, you can hold my hand." he takes the boy's hand, leading him towards the bench he was sitting at earlier. Chuuya silently used For the Tainted Sorrow to lighten the boy's weight, so the pressure of him walking wouldn't be as heavy. As Chuuya sits the child down, he uses his sleeve to dry the boy's tears. "Stay here. I'm going to get some water to clean your wound."


"Don't worry, I'll come back." Chuuya quickly runs over to vending machine nearby. Looking back to make sure that Kyo was ok. He shoves his hand into his cardigan's pocket, and unfortunately, he had no coins or bills. He shoves his other hand in his other pocket, and nothing. Damn it! Chuuya smashes his hand on the vending machine. Do I have enough time to run home? How many minutes will it take? What if the boy thinks I left him? Should I just break the vending machine?

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