"No sex before marriage", her father blurted and she gasped at his bluntness.

"Come on dad. You should know me better", she stood up furiously.

"I did not mean to upset you. I just thought it should serve as a reminder. I know you are a decent girl but I am just trying to perform my responsibility as a father. If a man disvirgins his wife on their wedding night and in their matrimonial home, it is a memory that will last forever. Whenever I am mad at your mom for misbehaving, the thoughts of our first night as couples appease and dissolves my anger. I respect her for that and I want the same for you dear."

"Dad, I have heard you. Talk to you later", Fola said moving out. I will be back before dusk."

"Alright dear, take care and my regards to my son-in-law."

Fola on her way out thought hard and long about her father's utterances. She remembered her first kiss with Olamide the previous day. Even though it was a stolen kiss, she couldn't deny the fact that she enjoyed it.

Olamide was gradually changing everything about her. She was transforming from a lady to a fully grown up woman all of a sudden.

She couldn't fathom how and when it happened.
She then wondered if he would ask her for sex one day.

She sighed heavily as she got to the bus stop where she was supposed to wait for him. She delved her hand into her bag to fish out her phone. She dialled his number and he picked at the first ring.

"Babe, I'm close by."

"Ok", she replied.

Few minutes later, he pulled over and she entered his car. He was all smiles but he was quick to notice the faraway look on her face.

"Babe, what's the matter?", he asked her.

The question jerked Fola out of her reverie and she replied, "Nothing."

"Are you sure?", he asked as he ignited the car into motion.

"Of course."

"Alright", he said and smilled. "You look beautiful as always."

"Thank you", she muttered.

"There is something I want us to discuss about when we get to our destination", his left hand was on the steering and he held her with his right hand and pecked the back of her hand. This sent a cold shiver all over Fola.

She looked into his eyes and saw love? Lust?... She couldn't tell.

Their eyes were still interlocked when they heard shouts from passerbys.

Shocked, Fola looked out and saw an old woman sprawled on the floor in front of their car.

Olamide quickly step on the brake to avoid hitting the woman.

Crowd was beginning to gather as Fola and Olamide quickly came down from the car. A lady in the midst claimed the old woman was about to cross the express road when she saw Olamide's car coming toward her and she fell down out of shock.

Olamide with the help of one other guy quickly carried the frail looking woman to the passenger's seat and he zoomed off with Fola to the hospital.

He dreaded what was to come. What if this woman dies? he asked himself. He would surely be blamed for it. He looked back at the woman at the back of the driver's seat severally to see if she was still breathing oblivious to the fact that Fola was right beside him.

Fola was studying him closely and she saw worry written all over his face. "I never knew Olamide could be this caring", she thought to herself and the thoughts almost made her laugh out loud.

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