Day 1 & 2

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// I must put up a warning. This story contains NC / Sex / Smuts in almost every part until the end 😂 so if you're not comfortable (in which I know, you like it very much) skip this story instead.

Enjoy 😁


Day 1,

Gulf is sitting inside the bar holding his beer trying to wash whatever feelings he got. In another table there's a group of friends who seems to be as loud as the music inside.

Gulf is in his one month break, away from everything. Just for himself, away from the shits in his life, a month escape from reality.

He ignored the loud noise from the table across and just pour his attention on the beer he is drinking and despite the bitter taste, it will make him fall asleep.

It's deep into the night yet Gulf is still drinking, he is wasted already but still wants to drown himself in alcohol.

"Hi, are you alone?" A tall, pale, gray haired man approached his table. He got a llt of ear piercing and he got one of those who smiles the sweetest with his thin lips. The gray haired man is one of those group of friends who are loud across his table. Gulf smiled to himself, a little companion for the night won't hurt him.

"I am, take a sit if you like but I doubt your friends will like it" Gulf offered, the gray haired man grins and turn to look at his friends who didn't even mind that he is not at their table.

"I bet they won't care. I'm Mew by the way and you?"

Gulf gave his flirty smile, "Gulf" He extend his hand for a handshake but the pale guy hold his hand and bring it to his lips and chaste a kiss.

"Your name is as beautiful as you" Mew started to flirt to him making Gulf giggle.

Gulf retracted his hand from Mew, "Smooth huh?"

"Well. Why are you drinking alone by the way? Is this your first time here?" Mew asked, he and his friends are frequent in the bar since their university days and even they're working now, they still find a way to hang out and drink but it's the first time Mew approached someone because it's usually the other way around. He just can't seem to take Gulf's demeanour off of his eyes and he is captured by the latter's smile.

"Yes, it's my first time here. I'm on a month vacation" Gulf answered which made Mew smile. That means he get to see the beautiful man for a month.

"I'm free for a month too. I can tour you around" Mew said, hoping the other would agree and he is lucky.

"Sure. I don't know anyone anyway and you seem harmless" Gulf commented, making Mew laugh.

"Hahahahaha. You're not just flirty, you're funny too" Mew can't stop laughing.

"I am. I'm attractive too since you're interested in me" Gulf winks, making Mew laugh again.

"I give you that. You're really attractive, I can't seem to tear my eyes of you" Gulf seems to blushed at Mew's comment.

The two talk just aboit anything and everything. Mew's friends join their table too and gulf gets to know them. They're all drunk.

Day 2.

Gulf groaned, fluttering his eyes open. His body feels heavy. He then realised that someone's body is half laying on his and the worst part there is they're both totally naked.

He still remembered the name of the person, he recalls he is called Mew and he promised to tour Gulf in the area but it seems kinda awkward now. Gulf tried to recall what happened after they left the bar and just chunks of memories he can recall.

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