Chapter 17: The Apology

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All thoughts will now be italicized

I opened the door to find a warry looking Steve staring at his feet.

"Steve? What's up?"

"I wanted to talk to you..."

"Okay... Come on in..."

Steve walked into my room, I closed the door behind him. He walked to the center of my room, then turning to me.

"I am sorry for how yelled at you... I was just... You.. *Steve walked towards me, closing the distance between us* You just drive me crazy." He put his arms on either side of my head, my back pressed against the door.

Why do all these men keep backing me into a wall?

Steve leaned down so his eyes met mine. His eyes were no longer blue as the sky and filled with kindness, they were as dark as the sea, filled with lust.

He took a deep breath,

oh the things I want to do to you

My eyes widened when I read his mind.

"I hate the idea of anyone's hands on you, besides mine."

He was whispering in my ear at this point. Sending shivers down my spine.

He leaned down and kissed me, hard. Grabbing my hips and pulling them into him.

I was surprised with how forward he was being, but I let that surprise was away quickly.

Steve pulled away, looking full of regret and embarrassment, he released me from his grip and took a step back.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to... This isn't what I came here for... I..."

Before he could finish his sentence, I grabbed his shirt and pulled him back into me. Crashing my lips against him. This was all the approval Steve needed to proceed.

His hands traveled down to my ass, lifting me up. Without hesitation, I wrapped my legs around his waist.

Steve walked me to my bed, laying me down gently, his body on top of mine, not breaking our kiss. Steve pulled my shirt over my head in one swift motion. He broke our kiss to look down at my body


My face grew red. I pulled him back down to me, my hands running through his dirty blonde hair. He took his shirt off.

The moment was filled with heat, hunger, and passion.

Tony always joked about Steve being a virgin, which Nat confirmed to be true. But with the events that unfolded after, I would have never guessed.

I was also pretty inexperienced in this field, but Steve was gentle, at first at least. He was careful not to hurt my leg, still in a boot.

After we lay next to each other, our bodies curled up with one another. Still trying to catch our breath.

Oh God, was that okay? Was it obvious I had no idea what I was doing?

"That was..."

Steve looked at me, hesitantly,


Steve relaxed at my answer.

Me being a 'bruh' type of girl, I raised my hand to give him a high-five.

Steve laughed, but he did end up returning my high-five.

We cuddled for a bit, Steve left sometime after. 

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