Chapter 22: We are all Monsters

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Lokis Pov:

I was finally able to track y/n's location. I told the rest of the team but teleported there myself.

It should have brought me a few feet from her.

But I was on a beach, alone.

Did my spell not work? Where is she?

I walked towards the water when I spotted some footprints.

They walked towards the water. I followed them to the edge of the tides.

I looked out into the water,

Where is she?

My heart sank when I spotted bubbles floating to the surface deep in the water.

Damn it y/n.


I ran into the water, then began swimming.

I took a deep breath and drove under the water.

There she was, on the ocean floor, lifeless.

I grabbed her and swam to the surface.

I swam to the shore until I could stand.

I picked her up bridal style and rushed to the shore.

The avengers were just arriving when they saw me running out of the water with y/n in my arms, lifeless. They all began running towards me,

I put y/n down on the sand and put my ear to her chest.

She wasn't breathing.

"What the hell happened?"

Tony said running over and falling into the sand beside y/n.

I started doing CPR on y/n,

"Come on y/n.... Don't do this."

The entire team surrounded us, holding their breath.

I put my lips on y/n's and gave her a few breaths, then returning to do chest compressions,

"Loki, let me take over, you are getting tired." Said Natasha,


"Brother..." Thor said and placed his hand on my shoulder,

"I said no." I continued doing chest compressions,

"She was the only one that didn't judge me, I am not giving up on her, not like the rest of you."

Finally, y/n coughed up water and her eyes opened.

Everyone sighed in relief.

Y/n looked up at me, I smiled, and a tear ran down my cheek,

"Loki, you're crying..." She reached her small hand up to my face and wiped the tear away.

I cupped her hand in mine and kissed her palm.

We were lost in the moment, but when I finally looked up,

Bucky was kneeling on the sand a few feet from us, sobbing while Steve held him back from running to y/n.

"You gave us a good scare dear."

Y/n sat up.

Y/n POV:

I looked around at the worried faces of the Avengers.

"I stayed up all night, I couldn't bare the thought of you guys being afraid of me... So I walked to the water to clear my head... and I just kept walking... The world was silent, my mind was silent. It was like pure bliss..."

I looked at Loki, his eyes filled with sadness. I looked down at my hands in my lap,

"I just wanted to keep that feeling. I floated on the water, enjoying the silence... Then I just let go..."

"Y/n..." Tony said, he didn't know what to say.

"You're all afraid of me. I'm a monster."

Nat pushed past everyone and kneeled down next to me

"y/n, we are afraid. We are some of the most powerful and dangerous people in the world. We'd be crazy if we weren't all a little afraid of each other."

Bruce sat beside Nat and took her hand and looked at me,

"And we are all monsters. We're genetically enhanced, (gesturing to Steve and Bucky), Robots (gesturing to Tony and Sam), Green (pointing at himself), trained assassins pointing at Nat and Clint), Nordic Gods (motioning to Thor and Loki), magical (pointing at Wanda) and whatever Vision is..."

Everyone giggled.

Wanda spoke up "We are all Monsters."

"We are a bunch of freaks." Said Clint with a smile.

"But we are family," Steve said with his arm around Bucky's shoulder.

"And we might not always get it right, but we will keep trying." Said Tony, putting his hand on my shoulder.

"We love you y/n," Said Thor,

"We all love you..." Loki said,

I looked at Loki, his eyes were soft and filled with love.

I put my hand on his cheek and smiled at him. I threw my arms around his neck and pulled him into a hug.

This was bliss. Surrounded by love. Surrounded by family. Bliss.


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