Chapter 6: How it Happened

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Chatter on the ride back to the Avengers facilities was normal. When Steve turned to me,

"So, y/n, how did you get your powers?"

The jet quieted as Steve asked. Everyone turned to face me.

I made eye contact with Loki, who raised an eyebrow at me, eyes filled with curiosity.


I looked at Tony, who was looking up from his phone with an annoyed face. He hated what happened to me.

"The reason no one knew I had family was that I didn't want anyone to know. It was safer that way."

"When I was about 15, I was kidnapped by people, who we now know was a hydra."

Buckys face shot towards me, a horrified look on his face.

"They found out I was Iron Man's niece, I was an easy target. They wanted Tony's tech, but when I told them they would never get it. They began torturing and experimenting on me, trying to create a weapon to fight him with..."

I looked down at my hands, trying to avoid the sympathetic looks I know were being made.

"The Avengers wasn't a thing yet. But eventually, my uncle found me. He helped me learn how to use the powers and control them."

I held out my hand, making a snowfall directly on my palm.

Tony cleared his throat, "We thought it was just a small group, we now know it was a hydra. I thought I had killed the entire group, I wanted them all to suffer for hurting y/n, but I was wrong. The organization was a lot bigger than I thought" Tony looked at his feet, upset.

"My uncle did all he could to reverse what they had done to me at first, but it didn't work."

Everyone looked away from me, I could tell they all felt bad for me.

I spoke again, "But it's okay! Because now I get to help people, making sure no one is hurt the way I was."

Everyone was surprised by my optimism. Bucky however was avoiding my gaze, meanwhile, Loki's eyes had yet to leave my direction.

I turned back to Steve,

"Sorry, I shouldn't have asked..." He said, now feeling bad.

"If we are going to be a team, you guys are going to have to learn to trust me, so I have to trust you. Besides, you guys were going to find out about what happened to me eventually..."

The rest of the ride back to the facility was relatively quiet.

Nobody really knew what to say.

As we landed and began getting off the jet, a few people gave me a pat on the shoulder and others gave me a "good job kid"

As I got off the jet, I heard the familiar pitter-patter of feet trailing behind me trying to catch up.

"Hey y/n, I just wanted to say, I'm sorry that happened to you..." said Peter

I put my hand on his face, which by the look on his face, surprised him.

"Thank you, Peter, you're very sweet."

I gave him a light kiss on the cheek, and gave him a smile, before turning around and walking into the facility.

Peter stood there his hand over the spot I kissed, a smile on his face.

Superheroes aren't Special (Avengers+Reader)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang