Chapter 11: Been Through Worse

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Trigger Warning: Mention of Torture

I woke up in a bright hospital room. Connected to a bunch of machines and IVs. My eyes fluttered open, I woke to Bucky sleep in the chair next to me, his head resting on his hand, while his other hand was in mine.

I squeezed his hand slightly, his eyes slowly opened, when he realized I was looking at him.

He shot out of his chair, now standing next to my bedside.

"y/n! You're awake!" He looked like he had tears in his eyes

"Thanks for saving me, Soldier..." I said while cupping his face in my hand,

He put his hand over mine, leaning into the gesture. He smiled.

"I will always save you doll."

I giggled at the nickname.

"How long was I out? What's the damage this time?"

Bucky removed my hand from his face and placed both of his hands over mine.

"You've been out for 4 days... You had several broken ribs, needed about 50 stitches for the deep stabs and cuts. You have a concussion, a black eye, and few broken bones. Broken leg, and arm."

"Oh, so not that bad..." I sent him a weak smile, trying to make light of the situation.

Bucky did not find my joke amusing.

Both of our heads shot to look at the door, we heard a commotion in the hall. Then all of a sudden Loki busts through the door.

He stopped right after endearing the room. Looking at me, smiling and running over the opposite side of my bed that Bucky was on.

"I knew you were awake..." He said while grabbing my hand and kissing it.

"How'd you know that?"

"I just... felt it.... I felt your spirit ignite"

Loki looked at me deep in my eyes, he had so much love to give, kindness to share.

Thor came busting in the room a few seconds later.

"Oh thank the gods. She's fine!" He said while leaning his head out into the hallway, signaling someone to come over.

Thor walked over to Loki and rested one hand on his shoulder, the other on my ankle. He gave me a smile,

"I saw Loki running down here, I got worried."

Bucky, Loki, and Thor were all looking at me, waiting for me to say something.

Tony walked in, "Alright, everyone out."

The boys all left without protest.

Tony walked over to my bed, sat down next to me on the bed, and held my hand.

"y/n, I am so sorry. I---"

I leaned up, ignoring the pain all over my body, hugging my uncle,

"It's okay Uncle Tony, I've been through worse. I shouldn't have gone off by myself, and I should have listened to the details of the mission."

Tony and I talked for a while, laughed, and even cried a bit. But I was getting tired, so he let me relax and sleep.

The rest of the day, avengers kept coming in to check on me.

Nat and Clint came, they told me I was a badass.

Peter came too. He looked so sad. I let him lay with me, I comforted him, and told him I was fine.

The avengers came and went, the only one that didn't come, was Steve...


"Yes, Miss y/n?"

"Can you please notify Steve Rogers that I'd like to speak to him?"

"Of course. Right away."

About 10 minutes later, I heard a light knock at my door. I opened my eyes to see Steve poking his head into the room. "You wanted to see me?" He walked over to my bed cautiously.

"Yeah, where have you been. You are the only person who hasn't come to see me..."

"Sorry, I just couldn't bring myself to come."He said while avoiding my gaze. "I didn't want to see you like this. It's my fault you got hurt..."

"Steve... It's not."

"Yes, it is y/n! I knew you were upset about what happened with Tony, I should have stayed with you. I should have protected you..."

I grabbed Steves arm, "Steve, look at me." He still wouldn't look me in the eye. I pulled him closer and tilting his head down to look at me in the eyes.

"I'm okay Steve. I promise. I've been through much worse."

"Have you seen yourself? You're badly hurt."

I sighed. Pulling away from Steve.

He had a confused look on his face, I pulled my hospital gown up past my stomach. His eyes shot to the bruises spread across it. "These aren't anything compared to these," I said while pointing to very big but faded scars all over my stomach. Steves's eyes widened, he was about to say something.

"Or these..." I said while leaning forward and opening the back of my hospital gown, Steve looked. There were large slash scars all across my back.

"Or these" but before I could show Steve my other battle wounds. He pulled me into a hug, being as gentle as he could be.

"See, I am okay. I will be fine." Steve withdrew from the hug and put his hands on my cheeks,

"You are so strong." He said and kissed my forehead. 

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