Chapter 21: Not How I Plan My Sunday Will Go

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A/N: For Leo's POV, it happened on Sunday. For Frank's POV happened on Monday after the group dispersed.

Leo's POV

I can't believe what the girls said were right. They thought someone is watching them and they had plan something just in case something goes wrong. At first I thought they were paranoid, but now they're guess was right. We're in a cell, locked in, trapped, alone.

The cell is made out of heat strengthened glass so it's pretty hot here. And annoyingly, the glass is airlock. So we can barely breath. Luckily, there is are little holes up the ceiling so we can still manage to breath. If those holes are close shut, we have seconds before we lose air. This is horrible, not how I plan my Sunday will go.

We're in this room, where there is other glass jails. There is also a bathroom in the corner.

Piper and Annabeth are still pounding on the glass. It's not working because of the heat that strengthened the glass and weakened Annabeth and Piper's strength. Hazel is sitting on the floor, thinking.

"Guys it's no use," said someone behind me. I looked behind and saw Nico Di'Angelo, looking pale and weak. He is in another separate cell. "It'll just weaken you, just rest."

"Nico!" Hazel said. "You're okay!"

"Um... a little," Nico said. He has a bruise on his head and some cuts on his arms.

"Nico, what happened?" Hazel asked worried.

"They hit me from behind and dragged me to their car," Nico said. "I was almost unconscious. I got hit with asphalt for the cuts I guess."

"Oh Nico," Hazel said in the verge of tears.

"It's okay Hazel," Nico said."You guys got your back packs?"

At first I was confused, then I remembered I had a backpack on. So does Annabeth and Piper.

"Yeah," I said. I looked inside my backpack. "Got a laptop, water and some tools."

"A book, water and a rope," Annabeth said.

"Got a make up kit and some water," Piper groaned. She's not the typical girl who wears make up. "Got my mom's make up kit instead of my emergency kit. They have the same looking kit."

"I brought two frying pans and water," Nico said. I raised an eyebrow, a frying pan doesn't seem like much help right now. And why did he brought a frying pan?

"How can we get out of here?" Piper asked.

I looked around and saw a security camera. "Guys, hide your belongings," I said quietly. "There is a security camera up there."

We quickly hide our belongings. "How are we going to get out with that looking at us all the time?" Hazel asked.

"Looks like just a camera no audio," I said. "I have an idea."

I quickly made something with my tools. After an hour, I finished it. It is a gadget that can record things and make visual imitation. With this, we can record our self doing something and make it a video. If I put it on the camera, it'll show the video we recorded. I told everyone about it and we made a video. I covered the security cam with my device, hoping it'll work.

"Okay, that should do," I said after I covered the security cam. "Now we can do anything freely."

"Leo, can you hack?" Annabeth asked.

"I know a little," I said.

"I'll help you, I know a little too," she said. "Let's use your laptop. We can try to hack in the security camera's . We can search for our parents and locate them."

"Good idea," I said taking my laptop.

I began to hack the security camera's with Annabeth's help. And we actually did it. We scanned the camera's, searching for our parents.

"There," Annabeth said pointing to a certain camera angle.

There they were, tied up, in a room instead of a cell. Bet they have oxygen better than ours. Someone came in, it's Luke. We can't hear the audio, what a shame. Luke showed them the fake security camera live footage in our cell. They're faces were horrified and they nodded to whatever Luke said. Uh-oh.

"They're using us a threat," Annabeth said.

"That's just evil," Hazel said.

"Hazel, they are evil," Piper said.

"We need to rescue them," Nico said.

"But first we need to get out of here," Annabeth said. "I hope our friends had figured out what happened."

"Oh right the plan!" I said remembering the plan they talked about.

"Now can you guys tell me what is it?" Nico asked.

We told him all about our plan. How does it work, who will be involved, every meaning of everything.

"Good plan," Nico said. "I have two questions: First one, where is the tracking device and second, how will they know the keys are the well.... key."

"First, it's on my book," Annabeth said patting the book she got out of her bag. "Second, I told Katie just in the nick of time, I'm hoping she'll figure it out."

"I hope she will," I said. "We better find a way out of here, quick."

Frank's POV

We're walking to this restaurant called Pizza Palace. We walked in and headed to the cashier to order. I'm not so sure why we're here, maybe for a quick snack break. Jason said we, as in him, Percy and I, should go here.

I looked at the cashier and my eyes widen. It's General Reyna! What is she doing at Pizza Palace? Maybe it's her side job?

"Hello there, what do you want to order?" Reyna asked us.

"We would like a pizza with Sausages, Extra Cheese, Ricotta, and Extra Tomatoes," Jason said. Interesting topping choices. And lot's of cheese? He knows I'm lactose intolerant.

She raised an eyebrow. "Alright," she said.

"Actually, just Pepperoni will be good," he said. I raised an eyebrow at him. 

"Okay, that'll be $11.99," Reyna said. Jason gave her the money and we sat down at one of the tables.

"Pizza? Now?" Percy asked. "We need to get ready. And why is Reyna working here?"

"Relax," Jason said. "I had to give HQ the USB."

"Had?" I asked.

"Yeah, you remember the coin Nyssa gave me?" Jason asked. Percy and I nodded. "Well, it can open and put something in it. One of the coins I gave Reyna has the USB."

"How would she know if a USB is inside one of the coins?" I asked.

"The coin have the TSOS symbol," Jason said. "Oh, and the pizza I didn't ended up ordering. Sausages, Extra Cheese, Ricotta, and Extra Tomatoes, spelled Secret. It's a code for people in TSOS."

"Of course, I forgot about that," Percy said.

"And your dad ran the TSOS," I said. "With his brothers. You and Jason should know this more than the others."

"I guess,"  Percy said. A few minutes later, Reyna called our order.

"Here is your Pepperoni Pizza," Reyna said. We walked out of the Pizza Palace. Jason opened the pizza box a bit and we saw a message saying 'Got it -Queen'. Queen is Reyna's code name. We don't call members from TSOS by their names, we call them by code name. We just happen to be good friends with Reyna so we told each other our real name.

My code name is Eagle. Sounds pretty cool. Jason's code name is Lightning while Percy's is Riptide. Got to say, our code names are pretty cool.

"Let's meet up with the others," I said. "It's almost time."

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