Chapter 5: Little Clues

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Annabeth's POV

Saturday came quicker than expected. To be honest, I didn't really want to go to Percy's house. That guy can make me nervous sometimes, I don't know why. But then again, I don't want Percy to come to my house. I don't want Helen to beat me up in front of him. So, I'm forced to go to his house. I knock at the door and a women opened it. She is a strikingly beautiful woman with a smile as warm as a quilt and sparkling blue eyes that change of color in the light. Her hair is long and brown with a few streaks of grey. She must be Percy's mom.

She smiled warmly at me. "You must be Annabeth," she said. "I'm guessing your here for the project you and my son are doing?"

"Yes Mrs. Jackson," I said.

"Call me Sally dear," she said. "Come in. Percy, your friends here."

I stepped inside Percy's house. It looks nice and welcoming.

"Hey," Percy said, grinning at me. "Let's do the project in my room."

He lead me to his room. His room has blue, well, everything. This guy's obsessed with the color I suppose. We sat on the floor to discuss the project. I took out my notebook from my bag to write some notes. We started to talk about what should the project be about.

"I think it should be about Poseidon," Percy said.

"Why?" I asked.

"He's the coolest Greek God ever," Percy said. "If Greek Gods exist that is."

"Well, I think, Athena's the best," I said. He frowned.

"Poseidon could control water," he said. "And make Earthquakes."

"Athena's the Goddess of wisdom," I said. "And you know what people say, 'Knowledge is Power'."

We stayed silent for a minute. "What about we make the project about their rivalry?" I suggested. "Then, it'll be fair."

"Your such a Wise Girl," he said. She raised her eyebrows.

"Better than you, Seaweed Brain," she said.

"Where did that nickname come from?" I asked.

"Because your heads full with it," she said.

It took us an hour to work on the project, yet it isn't completed yet. I looked at the time. I promised Helen I'll be back by 2 o'clock. It's 1:45 P.M. now.

"Can we finish this later?" I asked. "I got to go."

"Oh," he said a little disappointed for some reason. "Okay, do you need a ride?"

"No, I'll be fine," I said. "Should we do this next week?"

"Sure," he said. "I'm free next week. See you later."

"See you later," I said.

By the time I got home, I checked the time. Great, it's 2:05, she'll be mad. I rang the doorbell and Helen opened it. She pulled me inside by my hair.

"Of all the nerve!" she yelled at me. "I told you to come home at two, and look at the time now!"

"I'm five minutes late, that's all," I said.

"No dinner for you today young lady!" she yelled at me. "And I will add another chore to your list. Now, go up to your room!"

I quickly got up to my room. Luckily, today isn't as bad as the other days. She's just mad that Dad's gone and she's blaming it all on me, that's all. It isn't a big deal. If I were Helen, I'll be mad at myself too. Why can't I stop the kidnapper. I'm such a coward! I never told how Helen is treating me to anyone, not even my best friends. All I can say is, I deserve this. It's all my fault. If only I was brave enough to stand to the kidnapper. If only...

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