Chapter 16: Just In Case, We Have A Plan.

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Piper's POV

I really can't believe this. Yesterday, Annabeth found a hidden camera by breaking Hazel's vase. At first I thought she was crazy or went insane but when I saw the hidden camera. No. I can't believe it. Today, we're thinking of a way to stop this once and for all.

Wow, this actually felt like we're in a Spy Movie or a Spy Fan fiction people make.

Anyway, I headed to class nervously. It's History Class, I was the last one so I have to sat on the last seat available. Luckily, it is next to my boyfriend Jason. I sat next to him waiting for the Teacher.

"Piper, what's wrong?" Jason asked. Everything.

"Um, nothing," I said. I thought of some excuses. "Just a little nervous, on Sunday my mom will be visiting. She can be a little intimidating." This is not true, my mom is a sweetheart. Well, kind of.

"Oh, okay," Jason said. Then, Mr. Murphy came in and greet the class.

"Alright Class, I have another assignment," Mister Murphy said. Everyone groaned. "And since everyone work nicely on the last assignment, your partners from the last assignment will be your partners now." Some more groaning. Jason smiled at me, I smiled back.

"Due date on Monday," Mister Murphy said. And you guess it, more groaning. "This will be an easy assignment. Your assignment or project is to build a 3D Model of a History Building."

That actually sounds pretty cool. So, there are less groaning. "You are allowed to discuss whatever you want to build in this hour and some planning. That'll make it easier," Mister Murphy said.

So, we all started talking, not to loud of course. Jason and I talked about the building and the plan. We decided to do it on Saturday because my um..... excuse is in Sunday. I looked at my friends, Hazel looked happy talking to Frank, Annabeth seem very excited for this project, Calypso looked bored while Leo ranting about the best historic building they should build and Katie seem to be annoyed by Travis talking.

"So, Temple of Zeus?" Jason asked.

"What about temple of Aphrodite?" I asked at the same time. We laughed.

"Let's do something other than temples," I suggested. He nodded. "Where should we go first, as in the History Building?"

We thought for a while. "France?" We asked together. We laughed.

"That settles it," Jason said. "So what do you think we should do? The Eiffel Tower? The Louvre? Palais des Papes? Gardensof the château deVersailles? The-"

"Okay, that's a lot of suggestions," I said. "I don't know you know a lot about France."

"I've been there," he said blankly (A/N: On a spy mission). Then, his eyes widen. "I-I mean on a vacation."

"Oh-Kay?" I said. "The Eiffel tower seem to be a little-um... popular. So, maybe something else?"

"The Palais des Papes?" he asked.

"Sounds good enough," I said. Then, the bell rang. "Time to get to my next class. I'll see you later."

I headed out of the class and met up with Annabeth and Hazel. Unfortunately, they are with Katie,Silena, Clarisse, Calypso and surprisingly, Will.

"Hey guys!" I said. "What did you guys chose for your assignment?"

"The Washington Place in Hawaii," Annabeth said in excitement. "I love architecture! I'm so excited to get started. What do you chose for yours Piper?"

"The Palais des Papes in France," I said. "What about you guys?"

"Fort Henry, Kingston, Ontario, Canada," Hazel said. "Frank is Canadian and we thought, why not Canada?"

"Well Nico is actually Italian," Will said. "So we choose Saint Mark's Basilica."

"Stone Store and Mission House, Kerikeri, New Zealand," Silena said.

"Something called the Dresden Frakirchsomething — Dresden, Germany," Clarisse said.

"It's called the Dresden Frauenkirche — Dresden, Germany," Annabeth corrected.

"Taj Mahal, Agra, India," Katie said. "I'm excited to make the garden."

"Leo and I decided on Casa Milà — Barcelona, Spain for some apparent reason," Calypso said.

"Those sounds great," I said even though I'm a little confused.. I know some of them but most of them I don't know.

"Well, we need to get to class," Katie said. "See you."

And they're off leaving me, Annabeth and Hazel. "Still up for today?" I asked. They nodded. We walked to our next class together.

/////School ended/////

Annabeth, Hazel, Leo and I took the bus to go home. When, we got there, I took my spare key and opened the door. I hastily went to my room and use the Spy Finder. I found two cameras and quickly destroy them, Annabeth style.

"It's clear here," I said. Annabeth, Hazel and Leo walked in. Leo looked at me confused.

"Why did you destroy a quarter of your room?" he asked. 

We looked at each other. It's time we tell him. We told him about yesterday. When we finished, he looked at us in bewilderment.

"B-But," he said. "W-What? H-How?"

We told him more explanations. "Leo," I said. "We have a plan if anything happens. Just in case. But we couldn't do it without you. Are you in?"

"Well yeah," he said. "You guys will need all the help you can get."

And by that we started the plan. Lot's of work but maybe worth it. Unfortunately, we can't let this fall for the wrong hands so we make it cryptic. If we really are in trouble, this will help.

Authors note: This is a pretty short chapter because the word count is 898.

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