As we approach Tara's table all we find is Fitz and his best friend, Keefe. Keefe's parents are Duke and Duchess Sencen, not Royal but being Fitz's best friend they were allowed to come which only made the matters worse because Duchess Gisela was a high up Neverseen member.

"Hello Fitz, Keefe, do you know where Tara is? I wanted to introduce her to the Eternalian Prince." Fitz squints his eyes at me for only the gods know what and doesn't deign time respond. Does he think I'm trying to set him up or something? It is Keefe who points to the door outside, I nod my head in thanks.

Nearing the door I hear a high little shrieking voice, "Bi! Look I did it." I walk in to find Tara Levitating off the ground and she just said that in the Enlightened Language. "Tara get down before someone sees you. You aren't supposed to have that Skill yet." Bi hisses.

I kissed you, it was pouringWe had each other tight before the night was overYou looked over your shoulder

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I kissed you, it was pouring
We had each other tight before the night was over
You looked over your shoulder

"You're just jealous I learned something before you. Don't think I'm deft just because I don't respond to people talking behind my back. You're just mad because you all thought I was Human but I'm stronger than you all." Bi groans, "Tara it's not that, it's just. It's dangerous right now—," this time Tara groans. "Cut the crap Bi. I finally have something, I'm not plain old Human. I thought you'd be happy for me." Her voice breaks and she runs away from her best friend, and comes crashing into Ruy and I.

"I'm sorry Sir." She snaps her fingers and everything is perfect again, definitely something she shouldn't be able to do. "The party is—oh—Hey Alvar! What are you doing here?" I can also see the other question in her eyes, How long have you been there?"Well I wanted to introduce you to my best friend. We haven't been here long." She straightens as if sensing the lie, but nods anyways.

"You're the Eternalian Prince, Ruy right. You look just like your mother, a very nice lady." I stiffen whenever she says that. "Has anyone else who's peaked your interest come to visit you." She smiles, as if recalling a memory.

"Why yes, I met with all the children of the trusted officials you brought. That's the other reason Bi's mad at me, I think she likes Lord Tam. All he did was talk to me and not her, so a hard feeling came from that. I met with the Song's, Redek's, Dizznee's, Sencen's, and Endal's. Keefe acts really different around his parents, his Father I understand, but his Mother is so nice. Well I have to go. Mom and Dad will be so proud to hear I have Skills, Empathy and Telepathic ones. It was nice meeting you Ruy." She then ran out.

"Damn, how much sugar did that girl have." I laugh with him, "My guess would be a lot more than her diet calls for. Once she starts eating Mallowmelt, she can't stop." We laugh, and a red face pops up from the bushes trying not to laugh. "I'm telling Tara you basically called her fat. Maybe she'd forgive me and hate you then." She lowered her voice for the last part and skipped away.

"Remind me never to get on any of their mad sides." We both fell over laughing, that was the last happy moment we had before the screaming started. "Tara! Tara! Where's my daughter!" Aunt Ora's voice raises above all else, everyone stops moving and looks around wide eyed.

When all else stopped and there was utter silence you could hear the yelling. "Mother! Mother I'm here!" I take a deep breath, it's starting, "Quiet down girl, do we need to gag you?" A low female voice coos. "Alvar I take it back! This lady is evil! Evil! Help!" Then the next part is muffled, "That's it, Gethan, get me sedatives and a gag." Then the screaming started again, this time it wasn't just a little girl. There was a loud crash, and people were paraded into the room.

Vespera held Tara's neck and placed a knife there. There was already blood sliding down the side of her face meaning she hit her head. When they saw the Mistress all eyes went to King Emery and Ruy.

Black Swan agents were on either side of Vespera and Gethan. Sadly this was all going into plan, I ran up to Vespera making like I was going to grab Tara when I kicked the Black Swan guard I'm the private, grabbed his melder, and shot the person on the other side of Vespera, while Gethan disabled the rest.

I looked up and met the eyes of Baron Prentice, Countess Juline, and Baroness Livvy, I nodded and vanished. Vespera and Gethan left to go to the base I told the Black Swan about while I waited for Ruy's punishment. "You Ruy Ignis are sentenced to Exile, your title is stripped and you are no longer welcomed anywhere. If you are caught in a Kingdom you're sentenced to death." My dad is up next, "Due to this unfortunate event, my Heir has been stripped of his title. All the power goes to my second son now." My Mother and Biana try to hold it together but I know it's killing them, Uncle Kenric and Aunty Ora too. Fitz looks like he's trying to hold back his smirk and laughter, enjoying every bit of my humiliation.

As Ruy gets dumped outside the border of the Kingdom, I find him and bring him to the already infiltrated base. Lord Forkle is now erasing everyone's memories, along with Earl Tiergan and Baron Prentice. Though the latter stayed at Havenfield and gassed everyone and is working slowly. All the members will remember are Tara was born Human and that the betrothal party went to Hel. If they try to recall anything else, they just won't. End of story, unless they get their memories restored by Tara, they will stay like that.

Lord Forkle put a barrier over the double agent's memories, it allows us to remember and powerful telepaths won't be able to break it. Except for Tara herself of course. Earl Tiergan will go over to Havenfield to help erase memories, all they will remember will be Tara was born Human with no powers and that during the betrothal party she was kidnapped and killed by an unnamed party.

Lord Forkle brings us to the mortal plains where a newly moved in family stays. Because they are new to the village no one would suspect Tara not being their child. Lord Forkle implanted things about Tara's birth and stuff so that when her Telepathy kicks in she'll think they are her real parents.

He also wipes all of Tara's memories before now and named her Sophie Elizabeth because it went with her new last name: Foster. Tara Miye Fathdon was no more, now her name was Sophie Elizabeth Foster.

Lord Forkle moved into the house next to them and made a claim to Sophie and Amy's God-father position. When that was over all the plans got carried out like a heart breaking movie.

"Help! Help! Someone, there's a girl in the streets. I don't know who it is, but she got hit in the head, she needs help. Gods above help save this girl." Multiple gasps came from all around, "Boy, move! William! Emma! I found Sophie, she needs help." Hours later the doctor told them that Sophie was fine, but he couldn't say the same about her memories.

"Hello," said a small feminine voice. Everyone spun around to face a wide eyed and very scared little girl. "Who are you? Who am I?" Emma started crying onto William's shoulder while he teared up himself. It was very weird to watch people who never met Tara in her life act like they love her.

"Your Sophie Elizabeth Foster..."


I started crying after I recited everything to my best friend, that night I lost more than a best friend who cared about me and not my power. I lost my throne, my family, and most of all a girl I considered the closest of all my family members. That night I broke.

"Are you happy now Ruy? Have you regained your memories of that night. Will you choose to stay with the Neverseen or join me in the Black Swan. It's your choice, just know I wish it weren't so, but your decision will change everything."


I haven't seen my best friend cry, like ever. Of course I hate my Father for what he did, but if Sophie—Tara whatever her name is, is the revolution. I'm all in.

As we walk away from the little cottage, Alvar tells me all these cool stories about his adventures. I could get used to doing this with my best friend, my imperfectly perfect life.

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