Chapter 3: Cole

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Hey peps, it'd be great if you heard Get me by Justin Bieber 💕



Hello?" He snapped his fingers at me
"Yeah right. Sorry,I didn't think my caretaker was going to be a boy" I said
"Correction,man. I am twenty-six years old,I am not a boy" he said with a smile. I stared at him with a straight face then I said "that was supposed to be funny? Hah" I rolled my eyes.

"You clearly don't have a good sense of humour but no,that was not a joke,I am twenty-six." He affirmed
"Okay" I said and turned on the TV. I completely ignored him for a whole hour then he spoke.

"Hey,do you want to go out and grab some lunch?" He asked
I turned to him,with a straight face" didn't you read my file or anything? I don't go out unless to see a therapist".

"Yeah well I did read the file but since you haven't said anything.." he said with an eyebrow raised.
"Alright. Fine. Let's make a deal" I said.
"Oh,she strikes a deal on her first day, interesting" he said "let's hear your deal"
"I tell you everything you want to know and in exchange,you shut up?" I said
"Well it depends on what you have to offer 'madame' " he said trying to speak in a French accent.
"I'll give you my life's story and whatever else you need to know,okay enough?" I said.

"It's good information,why not? Although I must say I find french amusing just as you do too" he said and gave me the broadest smile yet.
"Why would you think I find french amusing?" I asked
"Well I don't know,maybe because after I said 'madame' your straight face melted into a more welcoming one" he said with a wink.
I hadn't realised it but for some reason,after he said 'madame', my straight face did dissolve.

"Whatever" I said and he laughed.
"My name is Billie Harper,my dad beat me up as a kid,I was raped too,as a kid,hence the trauma. Social services rescued me,took me to school,well that didn't really work out so I came back home,made some bad friends,we got high together,but I had to ditch them because the woman in charge,Mrs Jean says they're "bad Influence". Also,I try to kill myself by poisoning,hanging, drowning, anything, really. Oh don't touch my meds,some of them are filled with poison so careful there. I see at least three therapists a week." I said
"Three?! That's harsh" Cole said.
"Well, whatever, one's for my depression,another for my drug use then the other one is supposed to help me get over my trauma. Your job is to make sure I take my meds,I go to the therapists and I don't kill myself under your watch. Meaning,don't piss me off!. And yes,I have a boyfriend I haven't heard from in months but I still have a boyfriend so don't get any funny ideas there. Well,that's pretty much everything! Now,can you shut up?" I said and turned to watch the Television again.

"Sure can do miss" he said.

I must admit,i as surprised. The previous caretakers usually offered pity and tried to force a conversation but he was just cool,I guess. My thoughts were interrupted by some sounds from the kitchen.

"What are you doing?!" I yelled at him. He was dumping all my meds into the trash.
"Getting rid of all the poison, obviously" he said and rolled his eyes.
"What?!" I inquired, confused.
"It's simple, clearly you've mixed your meds with the harmful drugs and I know you won't tell me if I ask you so I'm getting rid of all of them. You could always get another prescription" he explained.
"Oh no you don't,put those back!" I yelled and I walked towards him.
He closed the kitchem door just as i was about to enter the kitchen. I watched through the small window as he set fire to the meds and the drugs in the trash!. He waited till they were all half burnt then he spilled water on it.

"Oops!,it got burned" he said as he opened the door
"Oh my God! You've gone nuts! You set fire in my kitchen!. I'm gonna tell Mrs Jean, she'll fire you,today!" I threatened.
He didn't seem bothered by my threat so I picked up my phone,spoke to Mrs Jean and as I expected,she asked him to leave.

I smiled, Impressed at my quick Victory. He smiled too,picked up his bag and said "Miss Harper,it was nice knowing you today,I feel like we made progress,see you again, tomorrow!". He smiled when he saw the confusion written on my face and he left.

I shut the door behind him and I took some deep breaths to calm my nerves. I ordered new prescriptions, ordered some Chinese food ,ate and went off to bed.

Sometimes, people with mental problems, depression or any other regular problem, whatsoever do not want our pity. Sometimes all the really expect from us is for us to treat them like they were ordinary people because they are!.


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