Rosie was grateful for his answer and grabbed some clothes before scurrying to the bathroom, starting the shower. She felt sweaty and gross and her muscles were hurting, the long hours of training taking a toll on her body.

As much as she didn't like working out, it actually made her feel a lot better about herself afterwards. Plus, she got to do it with Jungkook, and he looked really hot with his huge muscles and sweaty hair framing his face.

Rosie blushes to herself at her thoughts and quickly grabs the shampoo, lathering it into her hair as new thoughts form in her head.

She hasn't seen Skyler or Amber this whole week, which seemed unusual to her. Come to think of it, Jungkook still hadn't told her what they heard in the bugged conversation between Skyler and Kwang.

Rosie sighs and finishes quickly before changing into sweats, opting for something comfy to wear as it was already night time. She had just finished combing through her hair when her phone started ringing on the sink countertop, her eyes looking at it curiously.

Amber's contact flashed across her screen and she picked the device up hesitantly, accepting it.


"Hello, Rosabella."

Rosie's face paled and her grip tightened on the phone, her chest squeezing with panic.

"W-who are you?"

"Not important, my dear, we'll be meeting soon anyway," the voice chuckles. "What's important is that I have a special message for you."

Rosie was frozen in fear, holding her breath in anticipation for whatever the message could be.

"Actually, it was your father's message. Do you want to know what he said, Rosabella?"

Rosie's throat was closing and tears were building in her eyes. She couldn't make herself speak or move or do anything except wait for the man's answer.

"My lovely daughter, I'll be seeing you very soon. I hope you haven't forgotten me, because I certainly haven't forgotten you."

The recorded message made her phone fall from her hand as a scream escaped her lips, her body falling to the floor. Her tears were rolling down her cheeks at an alarming rate and she kept screaming, clawing at the floor for stability.

"Rosie?" she heard Jungkook shout faintly from the other room.

Jungkook sprints to the bathroom and his eyes caught sight of the phone, cursing under his breath when the person had ended the call. He tosses it onto the counter and falls onto his knees in front of her, picking her face up between his hands.

"He's coming," she cries. "H-he's-"

Jungkook winces as she screams again and her nails dig into his forearms, trying his best to console her by telling her that she was safe and that he wasn't going to get anywhere near her.

"I promise, Rosie," he says, his heart shattering when she shook her head and screamed. "Rosie, honey, he's not-"


"Taehyung?" Rosie's head shot towards the bathroom door as Taehyung barged through and immediately fell down, collecting her in his arms.

"He's coming back, Taehyung," she sobs, clutching onto him like a life line as she stared up at him with wild eyes. "He's going to hurt us, b-bad man is going to hurt us."

"He's locked away forever, Rosie," he says while simultaneously curling her finger around his thumb. "Remember our breathing exercise? In, two, three, four."

Jungkook watched helplessly as Taehyung tried to get his sister to match his breathing pattern, her shaky breaths somewhat following his stable ones. He wanted to do more but he just sat there with wide eyes, watching Taehyung handle everything.

"What color are my eyes, Rosie?" Taehyung asks.


"Good. What are you touching right now?"

"Y-your thumb."

"Very good job, little flower," he praises, grabbing the ravenette's wrist and yanking him over to press it to her nose. "What do you smell?"

"Jungkook," she breathes, a faint smile on her lips.

Taehyung continued going through the senses with her until her tired body slumped against his in exhaustion, her panic leaving with his mature methods. She cuddled into him when he carded his hands through her hair and sniffled quietly as she stared at the floor with half-lidded eyes.

"Jungkook, go to her room and pull the comforter back," he orders, and for once the ravenette didn't mind following someone else's instructions.

Taehyung picked up Rosie and shushed her gently when she clung onto him, walking to her room and gently placing her down on the bed. She shook her head with frantic eyes and tightened her hold on the back of his coat when he went to pull away, causing the elder to smile warmly and nod.

Her brother moved to her side and wrapped his arms around her as she hid into his chest, securing her in a protective hold.

"Go home, Jungkook."

"But I-"

"That isn't up for debate," Taehyung says firmly.

Jungkook frowned and nodded, looking at Rosie once more before hesitantly walking away. It felt so wrong to leave her, but he knew Taehyung probably knew the best way to comfort her right now.

"I know you don't want to, but try to get some sleep," Taehyung says softly, tracing a rose onto her back. "Don't worry, bubba is here to take care of you now."

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