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"I know it's not very cool, standing here serenading like a fool. But I don't care, I'll gladly be a fool for you." ~ Old Fashioned [Bruno Major]

Rosie felt like her head was splitting in two. It was like someone took a hammer and slammed it against her temples, and she barely managed to open her eyes before shutting them again with a groan.

She doesn't even remember how she got drunk. She remembers walking into Ruby's, trying a drink, and then dancing on Jungkook.

Okay, maybe she did remember.

Rosie groans in embarrassment and buries her face into Jungkook's naked chest. He didn't even stir, only shifting once when Rosie gently slapped his shoulder for snoring, to which he licked his lips and pulled her closer as he continued to dream.

Getting out of his hold without waking him was a bit tricky, but Rosie managed, and she pulled the covers up to his chin before tumbling into his bathroom. She rummaged through his medicine cabinet before taking a few painkillers and brushing her teeth with a spare toothbrush, thankful to get the gross aftertaste of alcohol out of her mouth.

When she returned to the bed, she climbed in beside him and looked at him shyly. He was so handsome, even as he slept, and she would never get enough of waking up next to him.

"You must be really tired," she whispers with a soft smile, moving the fallen strands of raven hair away from his eyes.

She waited a bit longer before sitting up and grabbing her phone. That is, until Jungkook's arms wrapped around her middle and he rolled onto her stomach to lay down, eliciting a frightened shriek from her lips.

Jungkook merely hummed tiredly as he snuggled into her breasts, a content sigh parting his lips as he sleeps in a new position. Rosie slowly relaxes underneath him and uses her free hand to play with his strands as she goes through her seemingly hundreds of notifications, most of them from her brother wondering where she was and if she was okay.

Her hand fell to the back of the ravenette's neck to give him a small massage as she waited for her brother to pick up, her fingers occasionally threading through the hair on the nape of his neck to untangle his small knots.


"Hi, Taehyungie," she smiles sheepishly.

"Rosie, don't do that again," he huffs, and Rosie could already see the displeased frown on his face. "Both of you weren't answering your phones and I had no idea if you were okay or not."

"Sorry," she pouts, her fingers trailing to the ravenette's shoulder to trace down his tattoos. His muscles were so big, and she found herself distracted on her phone call as she gently cupped his bicep and stroked his skin with her thumb.

Jungkook stirred around the same time Rosie ended the call, and he groaned tiredly as he nuzzled into the crook of her neck.

"Rosie," he mumbles, his lips brushing against her skin.

Said girl hummed in question, but she didn't receive a reply, meaning the ravenette went right back to sleep. She giggled quietly and let her nails rake down his back before her palm smoothed up his toned back, repeating the soothing motion so he could relax even further.

She flinched in surprise when Jungkook's phone began to ring against the nightstand, and she reached over—with great difficulty, since her heavy boyfriend was completely lax against her—and picked up the call when she saw it was Jimin.


"Rosie?" Jimin asks in shock. "Where's Jungkook?"

"He's, um, sleeping," she answers shyly, looking down at her sleeping boy.

"He forgot to give us a meeting time last night, so everyone slept in," Jimin explains.

Rosie hums in acknowledgment and tucks Jungkook's hair behind his ear, her thumb soothing across his cheek.

"Was I embarrassing last night?" she mumbles.

"No," Jimin laughs, his little squeak heard through the receiver. "Jungkook was loving it, trust me."

Rosie's cheeks darken and she huffs, ending the honey-haired boy's call soon as he continued to laugh and tease her. She placed both of their phones away before freezing when Jungkook shifted on top of her, his hand falling to the other side of her neck as he pressed his lips to the column of her throat.

"What time is it?" he asks, his voice deeper than usual and clouded with grogginess.

"Around ten," she hums, watching him sit up. "Jimin called."

"Hm? Why?"

"He said you forgot to give them a time to meet so everyone slept in."

Jungkook curses under his breath and reaches for his phone, raking his hair back with his hand to look at his notifications. He was quick to open their group chat and send a new meeting time before sighing, tossing his phone somewhere on the mattress.

"How long have you been up?" he asks, landing on his side and pulling her close.

"Not long," she shrugs, smoothing a hand up his chest.

"And how are you feeling?" he asks softly, a smirk crawling onto his lips when her face beamed red.

She rolled onto the other side and hid her face in a pillow as the laughing ravenette wrapped his arms around her from behind. She was glad he wasn't angry at her for getting drunk, instead holding her close and brushing her hair aside to place kisses to the side of her neck.

"You know," he starts, his voice teasing. "You're really confident when you're drunk."

Rosie stays quiet and huffs, ignoring his kisses as she pouts at the wall. It was becoming increasingly harder to not have a reaction as his lips trailed up her jaw and his hands rubbed her thigh, and she found her face heating up for a different reason this time.

"Let's go make breakfast," he whispers into her ear, rolling her onto his stomach and slapping her ass before getting up.

Rosie gasped and whipped around with wide eyes. The ravenette merely popped an eyebrow and sent her a flirty smirk before walking away, and Rosie found herself shying away underneath the covers.

Jeon Jungkook was the worst tease ever.


"Jungkook, are you sure?"


"It just seems... extreme."

"I know," the ravenette smiles, a wild look to his eyes.

There was a certain tension in the living room of the warehouse as the boys all stared at him. It wasn't one of anger or annoyance, but one of uncertainty.

Jungkook' plan was intense, but god was it brilliant.

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