Sniffling, I nod my head as I let a lone tear fall onto the blue accent pillow. Hoseok reaches up to hand me a tissue from the floral printed Kleenex box that has a new home on their coffee table and hands it to me as he leans down to plant a chaste kiss on my temple before walking off to another room. 

Taehyung continues to run his long fingers through the curls of my hair while he watches the movie with me, just continuing to be there for me silently. And although I sometimes wish the silence wasn't so deafening, I know he's just giving me that opportunity to come around when I need to. Usually, Tae was a lively person who could keep me laughing when he was around and always the sweetest one out of the two. No wonder I had a crush on him when I was younger, but those days were long gone and he was never the wiser to my adolescent infatuation.

"Desi," He pauses his movements, "have you thought about talking to him again? It's been about a week-"

"Exactly a week." I correct him just above a wobbly whisper.

"It's possible that you two could work it out. I can guarantee he's missing you just as much if not more. Men are stupid sometimes, trust me, but we're not all bad." He gives me a soft smile as I turn on my back to look up at him.

"And just put myself in the same situation again? Only to find out months later that he was cheating on me? Find him underneath another woman just like my ex? I'd rather spare myself another round of heartbreak." I shake my head at the thought.

"Don't you do that." He warns with a quirked brow and his deep, stern voice catches my attention, "Don't you become bitter and cold hearted. That's not the Desi I know and I refuse to accept that. JK may have fucked up, but from what all you've told me, it's obvious he loves you."

"Love isn't all it takes to make a relationship work." I argue.

Nodding his head, he continues running his fingers through my hair again in a rhythmic way that almost makes it hard to stay awake, "That's true, but it is a factor. The rest takes work. Real work. When's the last time he called or texted you?"

"Two days ago. He's probably given up. Which, I mean, is what I wanted, right?"

"You don't sound too sure of that yourself." Tae raises his eyebrows as he taps the tip of my nose with his index finger, "If he contacts you again, hear him out. If nothing else, it will be closure for the both of you because the last encounter you two had was definitely not it."

Nodding my head as I roll my eyes, I agree to finally respond to his text or calls. At least hear what he's got to say. That can't be so bad, can it? I don't want to become bitter and blame every man for the mistakes of another. Is it possible I've been too harsh with Jungkook?

Sighing, I lift off of his lap and tap my phone screen to see that I have to get to school. I'm grateful it's only two classes, but my energy is wearing thin these days. However, I can't let a breakup get in my way from accomplishing my goals. I'm so close to graduating, I can taste it. Better yet, I can feel my two week resignation for my current job resting in my hand. Very soon, I'll be able to start work at Robyn's father's veterinary clinic. It was definitely a blessing to not have to worry about putting in my resume anywhere.

"I can take you." Taehyung offers as he stands up, "Hoseok has work he needs to get ready for."

"Thank you." I smile up at him as he gives me a wink before walking into his bedroom to grab his wallet and keys.

By the time we pull up to the campus, I had to get up the desire to get out of the car, knowing I was going to have to put on a fake "I'm fine" type of attitude when all I wanted to do was avoid most of humanity.

Bad At Love | JJK 18+ ✔Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα