,, - beautiful on the inside ; dainsleif [ modern au ]

Start from the beginning

he fell silent. it was true after all, that look, he never thought he was pretty enough. ever since the night of the car accident where he hadn't been focusing on the road and got slammed by an upcoming truck, the right side of his face fell death to the fire that consumed it. when you heard the news, you and him were still merely friends, but instead of laughing and making fun of him like all the other college students did...

you gave him a chance.

and that chance led to today.

you slowly made your way to sit on his lap and lean your face down on him so your hair was brushing his face. you smiled as he held your hips and pulled the blonde hair that covered the side of his face that he never felt confident enough to show. he allowed you to move his hair aside, but didn't dare look up into your eyes.

you saw how his skin turned into a very patchy and disoriented frame; like a crumbled paper that had been set on fire. only his eye remained ungrazed from the firey hands of the flames from that night. you brushed the right side of his face even if it was patchy and uneven, you didn't care, you loved him the way he was.

"look at me baby," you instructed slowly, smiling at him. he finally shifted his eyes towards your face. he brought one of his hand up to place on your cheek as he found the clarification he was looking for in your deep green eyes. his lips curled into a smile as he stroked your cheek with his thumb.

"y/n.. you're absolutely beautiful... how could i have deserved someone like you?" he asked. it was the same question every single month. every single year. every single second. he never felt that he was good enough, and as much as he tried to convince himself that he was beautiful, he couldn't.

you smiled and brought your other hand to his cheek and pushed your lips onto his. you kissed him, and he kissed you back happily. he was always happy when you kissed him, it always felt like the first time. you pulled back and giggled at him. "dear, it doesn't matter how you look on the outside, its what matters on the inside."

"but y/n... i'm not socially accepted at all. we all know this, nobody in truth would ever be able to look at me right." he said sadly.

your smile didn't fade, and you hugged him around the neck as you adjusted the way you sat. "why should you have to listen to those unsolicited opinions that others have on you? beauty and looks don't matter when you die; beauty and looks shouldn't matter at all, because having that much beauty, and having that much money to afford that beauty will not get you anywhere in life if you don't balance out that beauty with your brain and good heart. if you don't have either one out of the three, its alright; but if you don't have both out of the three, you won't be happy in life."

he laughed for a while. "and what if i have brains and a good heart?"

you kissed his scarred cheek. "then my dear, you're already beautiful. your looks on the outside shouldn't have to defy who you are on the inside. there are no such laws stating that you have to be pretty to live on this earth, its the world being judgemental as always; but why take to heart 10 million peoples opinions when only 10 from the ones closest to you matter the most?"

his eyes filled with tears slightly. it was weird hearing these words from you since you never really went into so much detail. he blinked away the tears as best he could and chuckled as he moved his hands down to your waist to hug them around. "you're really amazing you know that."

"i swear i learnt it from a girl i knew once in my life," you giggled. "she was a short girl, loved fish and always seemed to have a crush on xiao."

he chuckled. "you mean the girl that was in your class once?"

"yeah, the one who always looked grumpy every single day."

dainsleif laughed a little once he realised who you were talking about. he hugged your waist a little tighter. "well, even if you learnt it from her, i'm glad you took it to heart."

"and i'm glad you're listening to my words."

"and i'm thankful you married me."

you squinted your eyes. "and i'm happy you gave me wonderful kids..."

"and i'm eternally grateful that you still love me."

".... and... i'm very thankful that you're alive..."

"and i'm happy that you're here with me~"

"okay stop." you huffed and leaned agaisnt his body with a frown. "you win..."

"like always dear," he laughed and kissed the side of your head before patting your back. "alright, let's head off to sleep, you have work tomorrow."


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beauty should not matter the most,
your good heart should matter. it
doesn't matter if you look like a
princess, if your attitude looks like
a cockroach, then you're a cockroach.

remember, for us girls, we are always
given a chance to change. don't bully
other girls for not being socially pretty
and instead, let's all be friends, and since
the world puts much pressure on us to
look pretty, let's not let this effect us. don't
for any reason go for surgery to change
anything that once made you, you. ♡

for boys, remember that you boys are
still strong, and if beauty standards
state that you boys must have muscles
and look good for the girls, then please
remember that there will be girls who
love you for being chubby or slim; muscular
or slender. there's no such thing as being
perfect. don't force so much on yourself.

every 'body'  is beautiful.

神. ❛ 𝐠𝐞𝐧𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐧 𝐢𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬 𝐈Where stories live. Discover now