{OxEye Dasies} - Chapter Two

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Warm sun rays sleep through the half open blinds of the kitchen. Cory listens quietly to the birds chirping outside his window, it's one of those rare mornings where the if you listen closely you can just barely hear the hustle and bustle of neighbors waking up and going about their morning, there is the occasional screeching of tires in the distance and the angry honks of car horns, but other than that it's pretty quiet.

As Cory's coffee maker works it's magic a few meters away from him on the kitchen countertop, he finishes preparing his lunch and then makes himself a quick breakfast.

He sets the stove to the highest heat setting before grabbing his pan and placing it on the stove, whilst doing so Cory notices it might need to be replaced soon as the bottom appears chard and burnt.

As he pours a bit of olive oil into the pan, he takes a sip from his newly filled coffee mug before spitting some of it out into the sink.

Forgot to add the creamer and sugar...ew

Returning back to preparing his breakfast, he grabs two eggs from the refrigerator. Cracking them before pouring the innards into the pan, the smell of cooking eggs wafting throughout the room, being careful as to not let any shell fall in. He had already almost choked on eggshells before in his early years of college when he was just learning to cook for himself.

His old dorm mate, who was a med student, managed to make him cough up the damn things. Afterwards, he didn't eat anything egg based for around two months. Kevin was a good guy, from what he heard in the weeks after graduation he got an internship at one of the hospitals in the area.

He continued on with his internal ramblings as he scrambled the eggs, checking the fridge once more to look for some bacon to cook alongside his eggs but there were none to be found. He'd have to go shopping this weekend.

Once the eggs were done, he turned off the stove and grabbed a plate. He checked the 'old-as-all-hell' watch he had and noted that he would be getting to the site a bit later than he intended, but that was fine. Placing his breakfast down on the small coffee table present in his living room, Cory went back to fix his coffee.

It was a bit cold when he got back to it but nothing too bad, he didn't really like his coffee scalding hot to the point of burning away his taste buds for a week.

No thank you, he very much enjoys his sense of taste.

Finishing up his breakfast, he returns back to his room to grab his bag and keys before heading out to his car and putting his key in the ignition.


Doctor Patience sat silently tapping away at his keyboard, occasionally glancing up at the clock present above the dual hallway doors.

He had just recently gotten word of what had happened at site-19. While site containment breaches weren't common, they definitely weren't rare. But the reason this one had grabbed his attention was because instead of the occasional sectioned off containment breach, it was a site wide containment breach. Apparently, SCP-682 had managed to escape from its acid prison and as it escaped a domino effect occurred, from what he could get—682's ruckus and escape into the sewers below the site ended up causing enough of a distraction for a good amount of other SCPs to escape.

Normally that wouldn't be a problem, but something else seemed to have occurred to cause the power connected to the site to shut down. The doctor scratched a bit at his grey beard before continuing to type on his keyboard. He couldn't get too many details about what had occurred, he could only piece together what was currently available. Word of mouth wasn't always accurate, so he had to rely on declassified documents and reports that he was able to access with his current level clearance. From there he got a very basic understanding of what happened.

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