Chapter One// 🌺A New Patient🌺

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Sorry if there are any spelling mistakes or there are bits that make not sense, I wrote this instead of sleeping)

As Wilbur made his way through the glistening white halls, his boots squeaking against the newly cleaned floors, his brain was going haywire. He had been called into work 20 minutes ago about the labs newest test subject, Specimen-J273. From the reports Wilbur was given, the capture of J273 was quite a struggle, seven of their ten men returned from their mission with extreme injuries. Though the creature was said to be peaceful, it could be easily turned hostile.

The scientist stood at the end of the hall, in front of a large door. He pulled his keycard from his pocket, fumbling with it to get it into the right position in his hand. The small screen beside the door scanned the barcode on his keycard, signalling his acceptance with a small beep. The two pieces of metal slowly parted as the sight inside the doors was beheld.

A large glass window stood with a table across from it, chairs and control pads were coming out of the wall that held the glass. There were three people already at the table, gushing over pieces of paper sprawled out on the circular object. The brunette walked over to them, being noticed first, by a small blonde woman. "Wil! Hi! You have got to come and see these pictures that we got from T68 and T69!". Wilbur would always chuckle at the funny number.

The two others at the table noticed their friends sudden attention towards someone else. Upon noticing Wilbur's arrival, he was greeted with a cheery shout from his good friend, Niki and two unenthusiastic waves from the two men that were too preoccupied with whatever thing T68 and T69 had done. Wilbur huffed, "Wow, I know I'm great but I simply don't believe I deserve such an extravagant welcome!" he said in a sarcastic tone,Niki giggled at his words.

"Oh yeah sorry, mate. What's up?" The blonde male asked, tipping his green cap up to shield his eyes from the light that was above them. "How polite of you to ask, Mr Minecraft! Nothing much, just got called in for the new subject" Wilbur stated proudly, striding around the table as he did so. He turned to the shorter male at his right. "When I say I want to be greeted, it means you must greet me to, Alexis!" Wilbur said, flicking the boys head, directly under the hem of his beanie.  Quackity responded with a groan and a mumbled greeting. The brunette was now satisfied.

"So, we found these whilst going through the surveillance tapes from T68 and T69, and-" Niki was cut off by Phil. "I think Wil needs to look at the newest subject. We can show him later, though". Niki's warm smile turned to a slightly embarrassed gaze, then back to her original sweet grin before she got up and walked over to the control panels. She turned the lights on inside the room the glass looked into.

It was beautiful. There was green grass everywhere, there were flowers, bushes, mud puddles, wooden platforms to climb on or go under and little inclines in the grass that looked like mini hills. "Wow..." Wilbur sighed "This is its containment pod?". It was Quackity's turn to speak now. "Yea, it's really pretty, isn't it? The creature is calmed by nature and thrives in flower fields." His hands gestures to the hundreds of flowers that lay untouched on the ground. "Also it's a he". Wilbur chuckled at the deadpan delivery. "And how'd you figure that one out?" He said, expecting an embarrassing story, instead he was retaliated by an unexpected answer. "He's got horns." The answer was almost as deadpan as the sentence that provoked it.

~Time skip~

It had almost been half and hour and there was no sign of J273. Phil was getting ready to leave so he could be his loving wife before she went to sleep. Just as the doors closed, signalling Phils leave, there was a rustling in the bushes. The flowers in the grass swayed as if it were windy, which it most definitely was not. And beautiful vines formed from one of the bushes. The vines covered the corners of the walls and spread forward for a bit more before stopping. The three scientist watched in amazement as a figure rose from the bush.

Specimen J273.

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