Chapter 2

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I walked through the door and set down my bag. I kicked off my shoes and threw my keys on the table in the foyer. With all of the noise I was making, it did not surprise me that John met me in the hall with a raised eyebrow of concern.

"What's up with you?"

"I've probably been fired."


I sighed and sank into the couch in the living room. I grabbed the blanket that was always perched there and used it to cover my head. "Pam got fired today."

John sat down on what was left of the cushion, by my feet. He grabbed the foot that wasn't covered and started to massage the sole. "Do you want to tell me what happened?" He asked. "Or do you want to sit in the silence of it for a while?"

I groaned. "Stop trying to shrink me!"

He chuckled. "Then talk to me."

I pushed the blanket off my face. "Pam got fired for something that seems completely out of her control and I don't know what's going to happen to me now." I sighed. "The only reason that I have this job is because she hired me."

"Did she say anything to you about it before she left?"

"She said that she recommended that they keep me on but there is no telling whether or not they are going to listen to her." I covered my head again. "I am not that great of an assistant and now I'm starting over."

He sighed. "It just means that you'll have to be on your Ps and Qs with this next one, Anna." He continued to rub my feet. "It'll be fine in the end."

"You always say that."

"And I'm always right."

I shook my head. "You like to think so...but you're not."

He chuckled and pulled my foot so that my butt landed in his lap. He started tickling me and my fist landed on his chest in an attempt to get him to stop. Instead, he grabbed me by the wrists and moved so that his hips were between my thighs. He continued to tickle me from above this time and held my hands above my head so that I couldn't hit him again.

I struggled against his grip and I could feel my hips rising towards him in an attempt to feel whether or not this was making him as excited as I was at the moment.

It wasn't.

What the hell?

Disappointment coursed through me and I sighed. "Okay, I get it. I'll stop being so sour."

He smiled and released me. "That's all I wanted."

At least someone got what they wanted here.

I sat up and moved to straddle him. I wrapped my arms over his shoulders and kissed him lightly on his neck. I could feel a groan deep in his throat and I smirked as I moved my kisses to his collarbone...down to his chest...his stomach...

He placed a finger under my chin and made me look up at him.

"I have a client."


"Forty-five minutes."

I grinned. "Well, that is plenty of time." I attempted to move my head back down and he lifted it again.

"You know that I can't go in to a session focused on anything else." He smiled. "No matter how beautiful the distraction."

I placed my hands on either side of him and stood quickly. Without another word, I went into the bedroom and landed face first on the bed. With my face buried in the pillow, I took the opportunity to groan out my frustration.

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