*+ iwaoi family ua +*

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So I'm writing this while trying to do the work 😃 but anyways- let's start hoes
Music filled the van of the family. Oikawa smiled singing along to " your side of paradise ". Iwaizumi tapping the steering wheel, turned to oikawa, " are you just gonna let kyoutani play in his phone the whole car trip? "

Oikawa rolled his eyes, " he's a teenager what can you do about it. " Iwaizumi grunted, " Yeah but this is a family trip not a ' I'm in a car and I'll just be on my phone the whole time. ' "

Oikawa sneered, " ok whatever helps you sleep at night haji. " Tobio poked his head to the front, " daddy I'm hungry! "

Oikawa sighed as he handed him a meat bun, " no more food we are gonna stop somewhere in a few hours. "

Oikawa whipped his head around and snatched kyoutani's phone, " Hey! " the boy growled. " what the fuck was that for?! " Iwaizumi glared at him, " language! "

Oikawa giggled, " so you're texting your boyfriend huh? " Kyoutani blushed, " He's not my boyfriend! He's just a friend.. " Oikawa laughed, " yeah then why do you say ' I love you ' huh? "

Kyoutani yelled, " Stop being a cunt bitch! " Iwaizumi stopped the car, " What did you call your dad? " Kyoutani jumped back abit, " nothing.. "

Iwaizumi pierced his eyes at him, " say that again and I will pull this car over and beat you ass. " Kyoutani slouched, " yes sir.. "

— time skip to the restaurant—

Tobio kicked his legs under the table, " quit kicking me Tobio! " Kyoutani said in annoyance. Tobio kept doing it ( like the baddie he is ) and Oikawa grabbed his arm, " hun stop doing that. " Tobio stopped.

The waiter came over, " Hello my name is osana ( yandere simulator 😃 ) and I will be serving you! What would you like to drink? "

Tobio smiled, " Milk! " The waiter smiled back, " and for you? " Oikawa set down his menu, " Just a water please. " Iwaizumi nodded, " Just a water for me too."

The waiter looked over to Kyoutani, " and for you? " Kyoutani looked down, " Ill have Pepsi. "

" ok that'll be right out! " she walked away from the family. Kyoutani's phone went off, " hm? " Oikawa picked up the phone. Oikawas eyes widened as he set down the phone quickly, " that definently wasnt meant to be seen by me.. "

Kyoutani snatched his phone, " Then dont touch it! " Tobio threw his crayon at him, " Dont be mean to daddy!" Kyoutani rolled his eyes as he openend the text, " Oh- " Kyoutani blushed furiously. Iwaizumi chuckled as he set down his phone, " Did someone send you something interesting~ "

Kyoutani frowned, " No! It was just a text.. " Oikawa gasped, " So what I saw was just a TEXT?! " Oikawa leaned over to Iwaizumi and whispered, " His boyfriend sent him a interesting picture of himself.. " Iwaizumi's eyes widened, " Oh ho hoOOoo! Someone finally sent you something like that huh? "

He put his head on the table, " Stop it dad! " The waiter made her way to the table, " Here are your drinks! " She handed them the drinks, " So what would you guys like to eat? "

" Meat buns! " Tobio beemed. Oikawa grabbed his sons hand, " what did I say tobio. No meat buns. " Tobio pouted.

" He'll have namagashi. " Iwaizumi leaned over behind tooru.

-- time skip to back in the car--

" That was some good food! " Tobio skipped over to the car. Oikawa giggled, " Yes it was! "

Kyoutani sighed, " It was ok. " Iwaizumi rubbed his back, " We only have a couple more hours of the car ride dont worry bud. "

-- at the destination --

" Grandma! " Tobio sprinted over to the house. Oikawa skipped up to the house, " Hey mom! "

She picked up tobio, " How is my little grandson? " Tobio giggled, " Im doing great grandma! "

She set down the little boy and stood up, " My oh my! Look how much youve grown kyoutani! " She locked him in a bear hug.

" Y- youre holding me too tight grandma. " She let go of him, " Sorry! Im just so excited to see you! "

Kyoutani smiled slightly, " Me too. " She walked over to oikawa, " And how is my son? "

" Im doing good ma. " Oikawa smiled. Iwaizumi lugged all the bags out of the car, " Hey yuki! "

" Hey hajime! Treating my little Tooru well? " Hajime laughed, " Of course. "

" Well cmon lets get you guys settled! Your sister and nephew should be her in a bit. " She smiled.

-- I n s i d e --

After getting settled in, they all went to go do their own thing.

" So, " his mother started, " How are the kids? "

" Theyre doing good! " Oikawa took a bite of a cookie, " Kyoutani has a boyfriend now. "

His mother smiled, " Well its about time! Who is it? "

" Yahaba shigeru I think. " Iwaizumi said blandly.

" He sounds nice- " The doorbell rang.

Tobio ran over to the door and opened it, " Auntie! " He hugged her leg. " Hey little bud! "

That has been sitting in my drafts for e v e r
N e wayz- Ill try to update more

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