"I'm coming in!" I announced as I pushed the door only to hear scrambling.

"Night!" I heard him object "Oh my god your in just your bra!"

I laughed at him then moved my hand to cross my arms making sure that my eyes were still fully shut "Yeah about that, Tony bought me the wrong size shirts can i borrow one of yours?"

"Um ok yeah one sec, I'll get my mask on." My partner said then it sounded like he tripped over something. After waiting a minute I heard him clear his throat "Ok mask on, now you need a shirt?"

I fluttered my eyes open while speaking only for them to widen at what I saw. "Yeah mine are too small-- oh my god you're in your underwear!" I felt my face heat up red as I looked at the boy who was surprisingly unfazed by the whole situation.

"Here." he said, holding out a black star wars shirt out to me.

As I grabbed it I couldn't help but stare at him. You know how sometimes you know something but you've never really seen it so you're super fascinated once you finally get to look at it? Well Spidey's muscles go under that category of things for me. Like i knew he was strong and more than likely visibly muscular, but had i seen it before? Not not until this moment. Probably didn't help that he was standing in his underwear as well. He couldn't judge me however. I could feel his gaze that was locked on my neon blue sports bra. After a moment of us just starring at each other I turned my back to him and slipped on the shirt which was almost my size honestly.

"Welp now that this moment is over....FRIDAY!" i shouted refusing to turn around as i heard Spidey in the background getting some clothes out of draws and throwing them on

"Yes Miss." the AI said in reply

"The gym. Are there flags there, like for color guard?" I asked anxiously.

"Yes Miss." FRIDAY replied "Mr.Stark knew of your hobby and has provided a large collection of Color Guard flags, with a variety of silk patterns, along with wooden sabers and raffles for your use. They are stored in the first floor gym. The second closet on the right wall."

I hummed in approval then looked over my shoulder to a now fully clothed teenaged boy with a smile "Come on, Apparently everything we need is downstairs." I then started to walk backwards out of his room until I was holding on to his bedroom door. With a smirk I gripped it tight then spoke up when Spidey looked at me confused "Race ya." I exclaimed before slamming the door and sprinting down the hall.

I ran out through the living room and to the elevator. Once I was inside I pressed the button and waved as I saw Spidey sprinting across the room after me. The doors shut before he could reach me, giving me the lead. I rode down the elevator pumping myself up to sprint again. As soon as the doors opened that's just what I did. I ran full speed past the font desk and into a different corridor framed with windows. Turning my head to the side as I ran I saw Spidey outside swinging with his webs towards the gym. When he caught my gaze he swung towards a push door in front of me.

He managed to open the door with his feet and land in the hall ahead of me before taking oft. I tried to pick up my pace as we neared the gym, but I knew there was no way to get there before him. Since he cheated by using his webs I decided that I was allowed to cheat with my magic. So when Spidey was a foot from the door I lifted both of my hands and stopped him in his tracks. Once he was still I stopped running and walked with my hand out holding my partner in place as I slowly moved past him into the gym. Once I was in the door and shut it I dropped my magic and accidently, ok purposely, made the boy face plant.

I giggled as he stood and looked at me with an angry expression. Panic filled my features as I saw him. Spidey roughly opened the door and slowly backed me into the corner. We were both panting hard from our little race, but that didn't make him any less threatening. Eventually my back hit the cool glass of a window and I looked up to see two big brown eyes. Nervously I laughed and tried to move away from him but he pinned my shoulders to the wall.

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