Chapter 12

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Another week dragged on by. The whole team's mood seemed to dip a little after hearing the news that Hinata's injury had a longer way of coming to fully recover. Still, Takeda wouldn't let us sulk all day, so after a quick pep talk from him, we sucked it up and kept going.

My father on the other hand got his lame, small-pay job at a local corner shop, but used all his money to fuel his addiction. I didn't want to leave Karasuno highschool, but my father made me want to graduate early so I could finally leave the house and become independent.

"Alright, everyone- let's take a break!" Coach Ukai calls, and we stop our receiving drills with relief. I stretch out my muscles, cracking a finger or two, then head over to the bench. Hinata's sitting on the bench with Yachi, and when he sees us coming over, his eyes lock onto mine, and a smile breaks out on his face.

"Are we gonna talk about how the ball fell straight on your head during one of your receives?" Hinata jokes, handing me my water bottle. Chugging water down my throat, I flick his head at his remark and plop down besides him.

"I was distracted," I mutter.

"Pftt," Hinata sticks out his tongue at me, then his face of amusement falls. "Wait- it's not your fa-"

"Huh? Oh, no." I study him more a moment, smirk, and look away. More like you. It's hard to ignore his yelling from the sidelines and his bright smile that seems to radiate across the entire room.

"Hey Yachi," Tskukishima's voice suddenly calls from the side, and Hinata and I look up to see what was going on. "Yamaguci is being an awkward kid again and is too shy to ask if you can open up the storage door to get the second jug of water. We're out, and he's thirsty." The middle blocker casted a look at his quivering friend. "Or as he likes to say, he's too polite."

Yachi lets out a nervous laugh and waves them off nonchantly. "Yeah, sure! Yamaguchi, you can just ask!"

"Er- right," Yamaguchi mutters from behind Tsukishima, twiddling his fingers.

"I'll get it!" Hinata suddenly says, springing to his feet and placing the crutches beneath his arms.

"But Hinata-" begins Yachi, looking worryingly at Hinata's leg in his cast.

"I've got not much to do anyways," Hinata replies cheerfully, but I can hear the sadness in his voice. I watch as he takes the key from Yachi, then heads to the back of the gym to open up the storage room.

"Does that shrimp not realize how heavy the jug is?" Tsukishima says suddenly. "He's gonna spill the water everyone."

"And the dumbass will injure himself again," I add.

"The water's more important."

Rolling my eyes at Tsukishima's remark, I get to my feet and head to the inside of the storage room where Hinata is staring determinedly at the water jug sitting on a shelf. I stand besides him, hitting him on the back of the head, and Hinata yelps.

"Idiot," I scold. "Do you not realize how heavy it is? You can't even carry it with crutches!"

"Well!" the small boy starts, his voice loud. It dies immediately, and he looks down, unable to provide a good argument. "I just feel so useless. I just sit around and pass out some water bottles. I can't even receive the balls."

"I just don't want you to get hurt." I step in front of him and heft the jug off the shelf. With a grunt, I place it on the ground besides me and look back at Hinata.

Hinata laughs and carefully turns around to lean against my chest and bring a hand around me. I smile gently, my chin against the top of his head, then I push him back a little to get enough space to cup his cheek with one of my hands, the other hand still steadying him. Then I dip my head downwards to meet Hinata's lips, and once again pure bliss runs through my body. It's just like every other time- our kisses will never get old. The same softness of his lips, the smell of his face, the-

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