Chapter 5

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Chapter 5: Stone game-y thing

Kiera's POV:

"Do you like cheese?"

Not even a minute could pass without Chance opening his mouth and saying something. I have gathered that he is a very talkative person.

Shocking news, I know.

As we pass by, the street lamps illuminate his profile, allowing me to see his face in a different light from the one in the party, which is less dull and more of a bright yellow light.

His dark curly hair is floppily arranged on his head, and his long eyelashes cast a shadow on his cheekbones. His razor-sharp jawline is even more prevalent now, unravelling even further how his skin is seemingly perfect and unblemished.

His light pink lips are set in a smile that never fades from his face. Dimples still shining through. It is very difficult not to stare at him. His beauty is shocking.

I've also never met someone that smiles this much and for such a long time. I'm not sure if I found it irritating or refreshing.

I suddenly remember he asked me a question so I quickly nod my head.

He beams at me. "Oh thank God. If you didn't like cheese then that would have been a deal breaker," he laughs lightly.

His laughter was filled with the feeling of warmth, something completely different from this windy, empty night. Maybe that's why I make a mental note of the sound, because everything around me feels miserable, and yet he still manages to feel and express some joy.


I would ask, but I feel like the answers pretty clear.

He's fucking drunk.

"What about pineapple on pizza?" he quizzes while passing a hand through his brown fluffy hair, only to mess it up further and send strands into different directions. I struggle to pull my eyes away but when I do, I slap myself for even staring in the first place.

"You like it or nah?" he adds. I shake my head back and forth, staring at the dark night in front of us, clearly unamused. 

"Well then, your food taste is boring and that's also a deal breaker," he nods accusingly. "Ooo, what about cake, what's better, chocolate or vanilla?"

Imagine if humans had a mute button.

I end up spacing out as he speaks, thinking about my dad. I hope he's already made my bed for me so that when I get home, I can jump into the sheets without wasting any more time. 

"I'll answer for you because I think your mind is in La La Land. The answer should be vanilla."

I raise a brow at his answer. "You say my taste in food in boring yet you chose vanilla?" I question pointedly.

"And the woman speaks again!" he exclaims while clapping his hands together.

"Vanilla is an original and not boring. Sometimes chocolate can be too chocolate-y and that kinda ruins it but nothing can be too vanilla-ry so vanilla wins," he rambles. "Chocolate is the deal breaker."

I'd use the mute button about right now. Actually, I would have used it five minutes ago.

Chance's smile starts to fade and his eyebrows furrow together.

He gently nudges me with his elbow "Hey you okay?" Chance inquires, his voice softening and tinged with a sudden concern. It catches me off guard. "You don't seem as cheery as you did before."

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