Chapter One: Freedom?

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Twelve years have passed like stale wind. The child was turning into a fine young woman, but she had one problem still, she could not shift. As the day passed from day one she knew things would never be the same, she was barely given water or food to keep her stomach calm. She was turned into a servant and cleaned the place the rogues called home. She could not afford not to do as she was told, she knew the consequences since she was nine years old.

"Little Runt! Come clean this shit up, now!" One of the rogues yelled.

It was strange, no one knew her name, not even he, not anymore at least. The man that called himself the leader, Jason, gave the child the name of Little Runt. The child never argued with the man, she was too afraid. She knew that if she tried to fight back there would be trouble.

The young woman walked over to the rogue with her head down, "What do I need to clean?"

The wind was knocked out of her lungs as a sharp punch hit her in the stomach. She was not surprised, she spoke with out permission. She was told she deserved it all the time. Before she had any time to react the man grabbed her by the hair. She fisted her hair hopping to lessen the pain that bloomed in her head. She began to kick and scream, trying her hardest to fight back. It proved useless. She was so tired of this and wanted to fight back but she had no strength to go against the men around her.

"Stop fighting, you stupid runt!" The man yelled as he began to beat the young woman.

The man ripped the thin clothes off her body and threw her into a small cell in the basement. He pulled a skeleton looking key from his pocket and locked the cell door. The dark room made it hard to know what time of day it was. As the days ended they turned into weeks. The weeks turned into months, this was the most time she has ever been locked away. The leader wasn't a complete animal, at least he brought her food and water every couple of days. There was nothing down there to keep her warm at night or even to sleep on.

The room seemed colder and darker than usual. The young woman has not received any food or water in the last three days and she was suffering from it. There was a lot of noise happening upstairs confusing the woman. The basement door broke open casting some light into the dark room. A rather angry rogue made his way over to her and growled deeply. The young woman backed into the corner of the cell trying to hide in the shadows.

The rogue growled louder this time, "You little bitch! You cannot hide in this cell forever. We are getting attacked because of you."

Hope surged though the woman body. She might finally get to be free and run from this hell. Of course she knew deep down inside she knew these people would not be here to help her, but the sliver of hope was still there. She gave herself an internal laugh, how could she be so stupid? No one would want to save her, she was no one to everyone. She stayed tucked away in the corner of her cell and calmed he breathing along with her heart rate. Her hands shook with every passing second as she waited in anticipation.

The rogue seemed to get closer to her cell but a vampire made their self present. The rogue quickly shifted into a a small brown wolf, the fur was matted and gave off a potent stench. The wolf bared his canines and charged the vampire. The vampire could not help but smile. The pearly white fangs glistened with saliva, the vampire was out for blood and she wasn't going to stop until she got it.

The fight was over in a matter of seconds. The vampire had sank her teeth into the wolfs throat. The vampire swallowed several gulps of blood, some escaped the wound it splattered on the floor. The iron scent filled the every corner of the room making the girls stomach churn. The young woman watched in horror, she clasped her hands around her body and silently held her breath for as long as she could. She held her breath for far to long and grew lightheaded and passed out.

"Little one, you need to get up." A voice ran through her head.

The girl opened her eyes and a scream slipped past her lips. She quickly covered her mouth and attempted to back away from the woman in front of her. She was scared of being hurt yet again. More vampires gathered in the room to see what the commotion was. The woman now had her self backed into a corner and was shaking. She was scarred and didn't want to be in another hellish situation.

"Get away from me!" She said cried out and expelled all the air from her lungs with the shriek she gave.

Her small pale body was spread across the flood, making the vampires in the room want to take a longer look. They all thought she was a snack brought to the coven. It is not every day that a random girl with sweet smelling blood with innocence comes along.

"Get away from her! She is mine you idiots." An older woman scolded the younger vampires.

"Clare, she is a tiger shifter. Let me have her, her blood smells so sweet." One of the male vampires said dragging out the word 'so'.

He took a few large daring steps towards the woman named Clare. Clare picked the girl up and set her back on the bed. She turned to the other vampires, she was angry. She had plans for the little shifter and refused to give her to anyone but him.

"Get away before I kill you. I found her so she belongs to me. I own her. I'm giving her to the King, maybe then he will be happy with me." Clare said with love in her eyes.

The man kept walking forward and stopped in front of the shifter and twirled her hair in his fingers. He leaned down and stuck his face in the crook of her neck and inhaled her sweet scent. Clare had had enough. Clare walked over to the man and snapped his neck like a toothpick. It wouldn't kill him but certainly would give him the fear she demanded.

"I said to leave my things alone!" She hissed.

Everyone ran from the room scared of what Clare would do to them if she had no hesitation to snap a fellow vampires neck. Clare frowned and looked back at the girl. Her sleeping form seemed peaceful. Clare sighed, a little sip wouldn't hurt would it? Clare grabbed the girls wrist and sank her fangs in. Her fangs pierced her veins and blood began to pool into her mouth. Clare let go of her arm immediately, her blood was too temping. She was not sure if she would be able to stop. The blood was the sweetest thing Clare had ever tasted.

Clare walked out of the room and towards the Kings office. She knocked twice and heard a voice.

"Come in." A deep voice rang out.

Little RuntOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz