Chapter Two: The Shift

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The room was dark like always. Clair walked into the room without a second thought. She smiled at the king before her. Clair had always been in love with the king. Clair looked ahead of her and saw the King sitting behind his desk doing paper work. The Kings face muscles were relaxed until he caught the scent of Clair. His features hardened from annoyance. The Kings eyes shifted from his paper work to the new scent in the room. Clair held the small frame of a woman in her arms. The female looked dead and unresponsive.

"What is the meaning of this?" The Kings voice was deep and smooth, yet deadly.

"I have come to you with an offering, Your Majesty. I wanted to give you this tiger, only if you make me your queen." Clair smiled.

Clair was a beautiful woman, however she was around fifty years of age when she was turned into a vampire. If she fed enough you would never know she was beyond the age of fifty-five. Her skin was pale and her eyes were such a deep shade of green. Her hair matched her skin tone well, nearly white from being so blonde. Even with such stunning features she was never fit to be a queen. The behaviors that Clair displayed were so childlike it revolted the king.

"I could kill you for such a rash choice of words, Clair. If I want the girl in your arms there would be no room for discussion. Do I make myself clear?" His voice was stern as he spoke to Clair.

Clair had been given so many warnings about her actions, she was close to drawing the last straw.

The woman's ebony curls bounced as Clair walked over to the king. Clair stopped in front of the desk. With the woman in Clair's arms she managed to flick her wrist, instantly clearing the kings desk of anything. Nothing remained on the desk as it all crashed to the floor. The king clenched his jaw in annoyance from the woman before him. Without a second thought Clair dropped the sleeping woman on the desk and turned her back to him. The king rose from his seat and in an instant the king had her neck snapped.

"You dare show me such disrespect? I've had it with you Clair." He sneered at Clair's motionless body.

Clair had now lost the attention of the king, his focus was redirected to the woman who was still not moving on his desk. Her skin was exposed to the bitter cold air and she shivered in her sleep like state. The king was confused why the woman was naked and so pale. The longer the woman was in the room the colder her skin grew. The temperature was set low in the room because the king enjoyed colder temperatures. The cold air brought comfort to him and made him feel more at ease.

The king turned away from the woman and left the room. He returned with a blanket and one of his shirts to cover the woman. The black shirt slid against her now cool skin. The king pulled her arms through the sleeves and buttoned the fabric. He placed the blanket around the woman and rested her on the floor. With the second blanket he had he placed over her making sure to keep hr body from the cold.

The sound of bones cracking back into place caught the kings attention. He looked at Clair's body. Her body twitched and her neck snapped back into place. Clair took a deep breath and picked herself off the floor. Tears welled in her eyes as she looked at the king. The king did not have to say anything to her, she knew she was not wanted. A soft smile graced its way to Clair's lips. She would get her revenge in time. Clair knew the king would like the tiger but she didn't know he'd like her so much already.

He turned away from Clair as she disappeared from the room, but stopped in his tracks. The woman was now awake. Her eyes were large, she was worried. She looked at the unknown man with a bewildered look and something else. She looked at him as if he was her protector or even hers. The ebony haired girl looked around as she moved the blankest followed. The woman would not let them leave her grasp.

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