⤷ 𝐥𝐚𝐬𝐭 𝐛𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐡

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( ☁️🐇✉️💿 ) — ❧ . * ⌀

Trusting Dream had been easy. The way he spoke to you, the way he protected you from anything and everything that came your way, and the way he had promised you that you would never have to be alone. Falling for him was inevitable.

However amongst all of the pretty lies and the ugly truths - the most damaging and hurtful thing that had been said with his trustworthy and kind facade, was what everything that he and you were.

The 'I love you's' had been uttered with a faux genuine fondness. The talks the two of you had of a future were empty promises. But with everything that you had known, everything that you had witnessed happen, and everything that you had trusted him on - you couldn't help but love him.

Until the truth came to light.

Dream had taken your trust and used it against you - using your naive behaviour against you as he sat back and watched as you pushed your loved ones farther and farther away. It had started with George and Sapnap. Then Wilbur and Niki. And then finally Tubbo and Tommy. He watched as you tore down your own world - he watched as you did it all for him.

But as time went on and you watched those that had once been considered family, group together against Dream - you didn't know what side you needed to be on.

"Y/N step away from him," Tommy uttered a warning.

Scowling, you barked out "I'm not going anywhere - if you want him, you have to go through me."

Tubbo frowned, not quite knowing what to do in this situation. He wanted Dream gone, and he would go to any extreme to ensure that Dream was locked away - but he didn't know if Tommy or himself could bring themselves to do harm to you.

"He needs to be locked away Y/N," the sword in Tommy's hand lowered slightly. "Look around at what he has done. He ruined everything!" his breathing was harsh, the pent up anger slowly making its way up, "he's the reason that everything we've built is in ruins - he's the reason that you can't tell whats right from wrong."

"Y/N please," Tubbo pleaded. The desperation coated his words thickly, as his eyes stared into your own.

Two boys who you had once seen as your brothers; your friends; your most trusted, stood before you and begged you to step aside - to give the man that you were protecting so ferociously over to them. But Dream was your one now - he was your present and your future while they were your past.

"I can't and I won't - you know this," you unsheathed your sword, pushing Dream further and further behind you.

You couldn't tell who swung first, but all you knew is that as soon as the first swing was taken, yells and pleads had fallen upon deaf ears. The fight was between Tommy and you - Dream and Tubbo left to sit back idly in their nerves.

He sent a swift swing towards your shoulder, only barely getting blocked by your own sword last second as you used his own momentum against him and shoved him back.

"It's like I don't even know you anymore - what did he do to you!" an angry yell came from the boy in front of you.

"I learned that I could be so much more than I was, and Dream showed me everything I needed to know to ensure that I became what I was always able to be from the start," you slashed at his midsection, just scratching the surface of his netherite chestplate. A stark white line now showing where you had struck him.

"All he's done is lie to you, why can't you see that!" Tommy grunted as he drove a foot into your leg, knocking you slightly off balance. "Everything he's ever done was only for himself and his own gain - It was never done for you!" his hands pushed into your chest, shoving you to the ground only a few feet from you.

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