05 | Wrong Parker

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"Jace! Remember to pick Whitney up from her house!" my dad called out just as I was set to leave for school.

"I picked her up yesterday, and the day before that." I complained.

"Which is why it won't be a problem to pick her up this time. For God's sake, it's on your way." he shrugged off, busy in the kitchen as always.

"Am I suppose to do this everyday from now on?"

"If that's what you want--"



Whitney and I arrived in Gold Wood High.

There was never a day when the whispers stop everytime we step inside the school gates. I would leave her to wander around as I walk my way towards the main building but we share our first class in the morning together.

She cleared her throat as she stood beside the empty seat next to mine.

I glanced at her, "You can sit on the floor for all I care but I'm not pulling this chair for you."

She clicked her tongue, snapping her fingers on the table behind me before a geeky guy pulled out the chair for her. I rolled my grey eyes as she took a seat just as Rick Manson entered the room.

I had to dodge his constant glares these past few days. Glad I don't have any other classes with him around except for this and P.E.

The lab professor started the class with a video of the arachnid kingdom in which I uncomfortably shifted in my seat.

"What's wrong tough guy, you wanna pee or something?" Whitney teased as the other students fell fast asleep.

I scowled, "Very funny. Not a fan of spiders that's all."

"Man up, you're a Parker after all." she rolled her green eyes.

"That was Peter, not Jace." I corrected.

"Really? Thought you two were related."

"How so?"

She smirked at me, "You're both unreliable, immature and a total dork." she grinned, facing back towards the documentary before the lights turned back on.

The professor started to talk, knocking at the whiteboard with his knuckles to remind us of writing the notes written on its surface before he begins the discussion.

"Mr. Parker!"

"Yes sir?" I replied to the professor, still glaring at the blonde cheerleader who had a mouthful of insults to say about me.

"Is there something interesting in Ms. Fallon's face that you can't seem to take your eyes off her for a moment to copy the lectures on the board?"

I shook my head lightly, "Not at all sir."

"It's ma'am." the professor corrected, crossing her arms as she glared at me from her thick spectacles. "Detention!"

Whitney stifled a laugh, ducking her head cleverly from the professor's sight as she obediently copied the notes off the board.


"Parker!" coach Manson called out my name as I passed by the field on my way out of the school gates.

"What is it coach?" I asked as soon as he jogged towards me with his whistle.

"Have you thought about joining the team yet?" he asked. "A good player like you shouldn't waste their potential am I right?" he nudged my elbow lightly which I grinned at.

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