02 | Veggies and Gravy

145 37 58

Jace's POV
I stepped out of the showers as I dried my chestnut brown hair with a towel. Just my luck, not only was I politely asked to be the next prom king by an irritating blonde but I had to deal with another bunch of them in P.E class.

Who fucking dreams to be prom king? I know I don't.

My hand patted an empty space in my locker, frowning afterwards as I spot a stupid jock beside me, slipping on my only spare shirt.

"Dude, do you mind?" I asked, hoping he'd catch the idea that he was wearing someone else's shirt.

"Oh sure, not at all." he spoke neutrally, stepping aside as if clearing a path for me to pass through.

I feel like face palming myself.

I sighed heavily, "No, I mean... I want that back. It's my shirt."

"But I'm wearing it." he reasoned out, reminding me of that dumb pink star in a nickelodeon movie.

I pursed my lips, wanting to argue further but chose not to. I then clicked my tongue, "You know what, I'll go find a new one."


I felt the crisp air from underneath my zipped up leather jacket as I walked the familiar pavement on my way home from school.

I can't wait for the day I get to exchange this high school hellhole for a college where I could meet normal people instead of dumb stereotypical jocks and blonde cheerleaders.

You'd think leather is good enough to beat this chilly weather...

Think again. I'm not letting another stupid jock near any of my shi--

My constant mumbling was cut short when I felt a heavy weight tackle me on the ground after hearing the screeching of tiny wheels. I groaned in pain as the other guy chuckled.

"Soft landing am I right?" the dude with a black afro cut laughed as he swiftly stood up. "Can't say the same for you though, need a hand?" he offered and I grunted as I grabbed his arm to lift myself.

"Sorry about that." he apologized, stomping on the edge of his skateboard to grab it with his other hand.

The sound of more skating wheels ascended towards us as two more guys joined us with a chuckle. "Another accident Shean? That's what you get for cheating."

"I didn't! The rules were clear... I say go, we go!" he defended.

"Oh yeah!" another skater arrived, surpassing the other ones as he circled himself around the lamp post where a red scarf was tied. "Point one for the Greyster!" he cheered.

"Now that's cheating." Shean, the afro guy called out. "Besides, he seems alright." he then added, glancing at me from down up. "Right?"

I nodded, "Yeah I'm cool, I should probably go--"

"Hold up! Aren't you Fallon's new fling?" the guy who called himself the Greyster interrupted as he skated towards me in which, I raised a surprised brow.

His hat was worn backwards, a tuft of red hair peeking out from underneath as they pressed on his forehead.

The afro nudged me, "That's Greyson, and that one on the left is Jay." he introduced them.

"And the old man on the right is named Malachi, he's lived for a thousand years, ask him anything." Greyson interrupted once more as he laughed.

"That's it! You're getting it Grey!" Malachi, the guy with white hair and braids called out before he chased the laughing red head around the area.

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