09 | Dodgeball

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She stood me up.

Blonde Whitney Fallon, the cheerleader... Stood me up.

The weekend just flew by fast and she never called me, not even once to cancel or apologize. We were suppose to watch Jurassic Park together. I know she hates the movie but she lost our bet.

Penny slept in the movie house like I thought she would... It has always been her habit which is why our family is accustomed in home marathons and pillow forts instead of theater night. It was cheaper and my little sister manages to watch an entire movie without dozing off.

When you make a promise, you keep it! I don't even know why I'm fucking pissed right now... I should be happy I got a Whitney-free weekend... Right?

"Jace Parker, what a surprise."

"Good Morning Mrs. Fallon," I gave her a grin. "Is Whitney here?" I ask, stretching my neck to peek further behind the door.

She gave me a confused face, "She left a few minutes ago."

"Oh, right." I chuckled nervously, "I forgot we're kinda racing to school now but I thought she wasn't serious so..." I lied, feigning my surprised expression. "Guess I better catch up, thanks."

She grinned, "No problem." mumbling something about kids these days before I heard the door shut.

'So you're telling me, you've never been on a real date with Whitney?'

I recalled Jay's words and somehow made sense. He's right, it wasn't a date. It's not like we actually planned to hang out and see a movie together intentionally...

So technically, I can't say she stood me up, maybe other plans just opened up but she does owe me my victory movie night.

When I arrived at school and into my first class, it confused me because she wasn't there either. Much like the cafeteria or the field... It's like she disappeared.

Or she somehow managed to steal Harry Potter's cloak and went invisible. That would've made sense except, Gold Wood High is no Hogwarts.

Other than that, I got nothing.

"Malachi!" I called out as I jogged to the other side of the court as he plays basketball along with the other guys. He nodded at me when he passed the ball.

"What's up?"

"Have you seen Whitney?"

He smirked, "You mean the girl you're not interested in? She's over there with Mia." he answered, nodding at their direction near the basket of dodgeballs.

"Thanks..." I replied, jogging towards the cheerleaders.

Whitney's ash blonde hair is tied in a ponytail, it was different but in a good kind of way. Her eyes met mine for a second before she swiftly avoided my gaze.

"So... Looks like our instructors got another schedule mix up." I started.

Mia groaned, "Tell me about it, these girls on your class won't stop giggling like a bunch of geese." she complained as Malachi threw a three-point shot.

The girls giggled, whispering among themselves in which the dark-skinned brunette grimaced. I followed her gaze at a bunch of girls huddled in a circle as if they're playing spin the bottle.

I would've said something about it but all I could think about is how Whitney outshines all of them.

I drew myself close to her as she stared nowhere, "You missed my pillow fort last weekend, I built a castle since I remembered bratty princesses don't sleep in tents." I chuckled.

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