"And you can but you're not going to shame me for choices that I make for them or anything else. We're just going to have to set some boundaries, that's all," Demi concluded as Dianna smiled.

"Yes, okay, that's all that I want. Eddie and I are supposed to go to the Farmer's Market so I should head out. You know Dallas's birthday is coming up and we're having a family dinner for her. She would really appreciate it if you could make it," Dianna said as Demi nodded.

"I'll try my best. I have a lot to take care of before the baby gets here but if Muse and I can come, we will be there," Demi reassured her.

Dianna leaned forward and briefly wrapped her arms around her daughter before they went downstairs so that she could leave. Finally. As soon as Demi closed the front door, she heard the alarm beep by the back door and then she heard Muse and Cristo's voices. Cristo swore that Muse was her twin but her and her father had such similar energies, it was almost too much sometimes.

"Hey, how was the game?" Demi said as she entered the kitchen.

Muse immediately ran into her mother's arms and Demi picked her up. Her hair was a mess and her soccer uniform was covered in dirt and grass stains, like she had been rolling around on the field instead of running around.

"We won and I scored a goal!" Muse exclaimed.

"That's so good, Musee. I wish I was there to see it," Demi said as she kissed her cheek.

"And daddy was mad," Muse giggled as Cristo set her duffle bag down.

"Muse, go get your stuff ready for bath time and then you get to pick where we have dinner, okay?"

"Yeah, okay! Put me down, mommy," Muse demanded, causing Demi to chuckle as she set her daughter down and Muse took off for the stairs. She turned to her husband with a raised eyebrow.

"I wasn't mad but the coach had her sitting on the bench for like thirty minutes. I don't pay forty thousand dollars in tuition for her to be sitting down for half the game," Cristo defended himself.

"She's four," Demi reminded him, because it truly was not that deep.

"Okay? She's the best one on that team and if this is something she wants to do for the long run, then I want her to have the best opportunities. Ugh, I'm looking for a travel team," Cristo ranted, causing Demi to laugh even harder.

Cristo as a father never ceased to amaze her, and he had always been like that. He made it clear from the beginning that he wanted the best for his child no matter the cost, and he had lived up to that. Clearly, soccer was his thing so Demi was going to let him handle it the way he wanted to without interfering.

"I'll let you handle that," Demi said as she made her way over to him and wrapped her arms around his neck. "As long as you never invite Dianna over here without my permission ever again."

"Demi...it could not have been that bad," Cristo responded, knowing his wife had a flair for the dramatics.

"Apparently our lifestyle is too crazy to raise children...with our private jets and mansions, and oh, don't get her started on the Kardashians," Demi repeated what she had said earlier as Cristo rolled his eyes a little bit.

"Didn't you just pay for them to go to Utah for Christmas while we were in Aspen?" Cristo questioned, causing Demi to nod. "Okay...I want you guys to have a relationship because she's talked to me about it a lot but I'll butt out. I'll let you handle it."

"Thank you, baby," Demi grinned before leaning on the tips of her toes so that she could kiss him.

They were supposed to go on a baby moon but Muse had school and now the baby would be here in a few weeks and neither of them felt comfortable leaving the city unless it was for work. It was still kind of crazy that they were going to have a new baby in their home within the next few weeks, yet Demi was still struggling to come to terms with her emotions about the whole thing. She was excited, but not nearly as excited as she was when she had been pregnant with Muse. Her lack of emotion towards the whole thing was concerning but she hadn't told Cristo about it. She was hoping that as soon as she held Jadore in her arms, everything would melt into place.

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