Lunch Box Friends

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Senoir Korain opened the door for me and we both walked into a small restaurant. He greeted the servers and we sat down at a table.

"Get anything. I'll pay." I smiled at his words and looked through the menu. Something caught my eye.

"Are you sure? I can pay for my half."

"No it's fine." He shook his head and I bit my lip.

These prices were kind of high. Even though it was a small restaurant it seemed to be very popular. I felt a bit bad having him pay for everything.

The server came by, dripped off some water and took our orders. Once she left Korain put his hands on the table and leaned forward to start conversation.
"So, how does it feel to be apart of the gossip again little bro?"

Jimin put his arm around Jungkooks shoulder but Jungkook only proceeded to shove it off.

"I hate it." With these three words spoken often Jimin laughed bringing in the others attention.

"Carrying Y/n doesn't seem like you hate it."

"I already told you she fainted. Hoseok was there."

Everyone looked towards Hoseok and he nodded making Jimin sigh.

"She almost walked into the street as a car was coming. It must have scared her because she fainted second after."

Irene pouted feeling bad for her. But when Yoongi turned his head towards Ryujin he noticed that she had a right grip on her chop sticks and her knuckles were turning white. He smirked.

"Even if you don't like being talked about. You guys have to agree, Y/n is pretty. I've never really seen anyone like her."

Hoseok and Jimin nodded. Surprisingly, so did Irene. But once Ryujin slammed her chop sticks down and got up to leave, everyone stopped. Irene got up with her to calm her down.

Yoongi was satisfied.

"Forgot. Jai family took down her family." Yoongi joked. Hoseok looked at him woth a frown.

"Hyung, you get to see Y/n a lot more than we do. Is she that pretty?"

Yoongi nodded, "She is. But she's very stubborn." Hoseok smirked and leaned forward.

"Really? She sounds interesting."

"She is." Jungkook spoke quietly but little did he know, Jimin had heard him. This gave Jimin an Idea.

"Sinse the girls are gone. Why don't we talk bets?" They all agreed except Jungkook.

Jungkook got up annoyed and got ready to walk away.

"Aw, our little baby can't take a challenge anymore how sad. You know Jungkook, being famous does have its quirks."

He sighed and turned around to speak to Yoongi before leaving.

"Yeah it does. But looked what happened to your mom verses ours. Who's the one with our dad now? Mine and Jimins."

Yoongi growled as he watched Jungkook walk away. He always got on his last nerves.

"Ignore him. Anyone have anybody in mind?"
"There's no way! He did that?" I listened amazed. I laughed along with Korain as we sat and talked some more.

It was amazing. The things him and my brother would do was just outstanding and reckless. I knew my brother was always a wild one, but I hadn't realized he was this wild while I was gone.

"You seemed to be close to my brother. Close enough that he told you everything. How come I've never heard about you?"

Korain sighed and put his drink down. His face went a bit sad, but he still smiled. His hair hovering just about over his eyes made his features very mature.

"He was going to. This year infact. But wasn't able to after the accident. In fact, he told me that he wanted me to help you. And basically become your new brother, even though we've never met."

Something in my heart stung. I looked down feeling worn out. This whole time he knew about this. And was just now telling me. The accident happened a year ago. Why didn't he try and meet me then? He knows where I live. Maybe he had a reason.

"Um, thanks for the meal, Senoir. I gotta get back to the dorm, I to talk with Unity anyway." I got up and head to pay when Korain stopped me.

"I glt it I said. And you don't have to call me senoir. Or brother. We just met so Korain is fine for now."

He payed for the meal and drove me back to the dorm. I stood outside his car and thanked him one last time.

"You liked that better than at school huh?" I chuckled agreeing.

"I guess my brother was kind of smart."

"In some ways yes. Like you." I looked at him confused. But he wouldn't look back at me.

"Anyway, I'll see you tomorrow?" I nodded and he smiled. He got in his car and drove away.

I sighed, walking towards the dorm, but stopped when I heard a crowd of people yelling and running.

I looked to my right confused when I saw two people running away from the crowd.

"Jimin? Jungkook?" Confused I just ignored it and continued to unlock the door. But before I could step in, I was pushed in and the door slammed behind me.

I turned around to see Jimin sit on the floor tired and sweaty. Jungkook turned around and tried to catch his breath. I stared at both of them in shock.

"What the hell!?"

Raven Haired Boy (Completed)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora