7 Years Old || Music

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"Welcome home, Seijuro-Sama, Tobio-Sama."

"Ohira-San, you can just call me Tobio you know?" Kageyama said with a little pout, which made his brother laugh at him.

"I know, but it feels more in place to call you that. Come, there are snacks on the table. Go wash up." Ohira Izumi, their resident head maid that took care of the two little boys, said as she help the two in unpacking their things.

"So did anything happen in school today?" She asked as she poured some more milk. To them, she was like a mother figure, especially when their mother wasn't around.

"Today, the teacher said everyone in the classs needs to do a performance, whether it's in a group or not. Naturally, I decided to pair up with my little brother Tobio." Seijuro said proudly while ruffling his brother's hair.

The other swatted his hand away and flattened his hair back down. "But we haven't decided on anything yet." Kageyama looked down.

"Why don't you guys do music? Maybe play some for your class!" Ohira suggested.

"But I don't really know how to play one, only Sei-Oni San can...," the raven haired boy said dejectedly.

"You can always learn. Here's a fun fact: I know how to play the piano. I can teach you how to, if you'd like. Piano and violin duets are pretty popular as well, so it's a win-win!" The maid, well they thought of her more as a caretaker, clapped her hands together with the little boy's.

"Really?" Seijuro smiled at the excited face of the little boy, and motioned her to teach him.

And that's kind of how 7-year old Kageyama learned how to play the piano, and everyone had to admit he was mad talented at it.

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