1 | That Red Dress

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     The club music was blaring and the base vibrating. Colored lights flashed in rhythmic beats and it smelt of sweat and alcohol. You stood in the middle of the dance floor gripping your mixed drink tightly in your hands as your body grinded against the stranger behind you. The buzz from intoxication was increasing and making your vision go fuzzy.

     You felt a large hand grip your wrist and tug your forcibly out of the crowd, the startling movements caused you to drop your drink and the glass shatter on the floor.

     "Hey what the hell!" You shouted turning to see who was pulling you down from your high.

     "I'm taking you home" he growled still leading you out of the crowd and keeping you close to him.

     "Like hell you are" you laughed stumbling off the dance floor. "I told you we were done".
You tugged your arm quickly and your wrist slid escaping from his grip. You took off for the bar and grabbed the bartenders attention. "Shot of tequila please!" You winked.

     "What the hell are you doing?" His lip twitched as he stood towering over you. His hand gripped tightly around your waist.

     "Whatever the hell I want to do!" You barked back. "You. Aren't. The. Boss. Of. Me" you spoke, slowly saying each syllable one by one.

     "OH MY GOD IS THAT HIM?!" You heard a group of girls squealing in the background. You rolled your eyes turning to take the shot waiting for you on the bar top. His gaze didn't leave you. "OH MY GOD IT IS HIM!"  The girls came running over to him tugging on his clothes. Reluctantly he turned to acknowledge them giving a curt nod and pinching his lips together in an annoyed smile. When he tried to turn back to you they continued pawing at him and you raised your eyebrows and waved your hand telling him to go.

     "Kylo Ren! Can we get a picture?" They exclaimed as he turned back to them.


     "Cut! Someone please change that flickering bulb" the director yelled. You pointed to one of the Production Assistants nearby instructing him to grab a bulb. You adjusted the headset on your head and turned the radio on your belt on. Static filled your ears first and then the chattering of the film crew entered.

     "Hey can you get this crew to pull their damn heads out of their damn asses?" The director turned to you. You nodded and gave him a small grin as you turned on your heels to start sending out orders getting the crew moving.

     You had been the top Production Lead in Hollywood for the last five years. Typically a Production lead isn't high on the respect chain, but it seemed every movie you touched both filmed easily, and performed extremely well. Hollywood was highly superstitious,and since the rumor had started that if you were involved, the movie thrived, you were in high demand.

     Your current film was a period piece starring Matt Damon and Kylo Ren. It had been running into a lot of problems during production so the director, Mr. Scott, poached you from another film with promises of a higher pay. You jumped on the opportunity, and not because you needed the money. The other film bored you, It was just another basic Rom-com and you basically sat on the sidelines predicting every line as the actors spoke. You knew this film had more substance to it, and you had worked with Matt Damon many times before so you had an idea of what to expect.

     Matt Damon had been one of your favorite actors to work alongside. You had become fast friends on the last film you did together, and he even started making you call him Matt. You could always count on him making any awkward silences turn to laughter during filming.

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