Seo Johnny

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{ Kingdom }

At every season, there's a ball in the magnificent kingdom of Neo City Technology. At every ball, the king present one of his sons to the crowd and wish for his son to find his other part.

It's already been 3 seasons that your mother bring you in these balls. You have seen Sir. Taeyong, Sir. Kun and Sir. Taeil.  None of them took you to dance, they didn't even looked at you.

That's why, while putting your corset you sighed. You have the feeling that you will not be the one to walk into the castle after the ceremony.

- Mom: Y/N, you look lovely today.
- You: Thank you mother.
- Mom: Will you do me a favour and put this?
- You: What is it?
- Mom: Oh, an old thing, I found it in my room. I wore this the day your father choose to live his life with me. Maybe it will bring you luck.
- You: I wish mother, I wish... you whispered the end of your phrase.


The end of your dress was floating on the marble floor.

{ Reminder for the rest of the story:
Clothes have no gender, so if I talk about dresses, corsets of high heels, it's for everyone. Sure, If you prefer another kind of outfit, feel free to change it. ʕʘ‿ʘʔ Thank you to be understanding :D }

Your mother was on your left and your father on your right when you entered the hall. Already a lot of futur high placed people filled the gold hall. The ceiling light made the diamonds shine everywhere in the room. In the center of everyone, the king and his charming wife were watching who was there. The prince is not supposed to arrive until midnight, so you can go join your friends and practice your dance with them until he arrive.


- King: Ladies and gentlemen, please let me introduce you to my son, Johnny.

A tall black haired boy got out of the red velvet  curtains. His eyes looked around everyone and you felt your heart beating fast. He was really elegant in his suit. His long legs made his way next to his father and he was taller than him. His mother look at him proudly and you couldn't help but wish that one day your mother will look at you with the same proud eyes. Everyone gave a reverence to the new arrival. He bowed after you and started making his way in the crowd. He invited a young girl with blond hair and a blue dress to dance first. She was surely really pretty, but you've heard some rumours about her, wich means it's not good. This is probably why, within a minute, the king went to Johnny and helped him choose someone with a better reputation. After her, was a beautiful red hair with an amazing dress! It was spectacular. She is breath taking, you bet 5 dollars that at the end of the night, Johnny will choose her. The tradition want all the visitors up for five minutes after the arrival of the prince. This is the only reason you stayed up, otherwise you would have sit way before that. You can't compete with the pretty red hair girl, yes you are dressed nicely, but that's all. The king will never recommend you to his son, unfortunately.

- Mother: Dear you can not stay there.
- You: Mother, with all your respect, do you really think he will choose me? Me against all these pretty people?
- Mother: We do not know!
- You: I do, he won't.
- Mother: D/N help me, our son/daughter is getting delusional!
- Father: Don't say such things too loud love. What is it?
- Mother: Y/P think(s), Y/P do not have a chance against everyone else.

Your father took your arm and made you get up.

- Father: Look at me young lady/man, all the chances are in your favour, please make the effort to dance peacefully all night.

You can't respond no to your father, wich explain why you agreed and went back on the marble floor.


- ?: You look pretty lonely dancing there alone.
- You: Well, I am.

You turned around to the person who talked and you cursed yourself to had answer, it's the prince. You both smiled to each other and he handed his hand to you.

- Joh: Would you like to dance with me?
- You: I will sure do.

Your heart is threatening to jump out of your chest. He putted one hand on your waist and he took your hand in his with the other. Your other hand went to his neck and you started dancing with him. You watched him dancing all night and you finally are the one dancing with him. He is gentle and make sure you are okay while dancing. You caught some people, including you parents, staring at you and you smiled proudly. The song ended and it was time to let go.

- Joh: Would you accord me another dance?
- You: Aren't you supposed to dance with someone else?
- Joh: I am, but I don't want to.

If a prince ask you another dance, don't refuse like you just did. Well you did not refuse, you just asked if he really wanted to dance again with you. When a prince do that, often, it's a really good sign. Resulting your bright smile.
A girl next to you gasped when you put your hand on his neck again. Some of them looked offended and you just continue to dance peacefully with Johnny. He was smelling so good. You could dance with him all night, but every good thing as an end. The second song finally ended and you really had to leave him now.

- You: Thank you a lot for your consideration.

He kissed you on the cheek and he leaved. You came back to your parents and they were proud.

- Mother: See? You had a change!
- Father: I think you will be the one he will choose.

At the moment your father said that, the king stopped everyone.

- King: We will not need more time.

What does that mean? You are supposed to stay to the ball until early in the morning. This never happened before...

- King: First, I want to thank everyone for their time tonight. You were all really kind to come here for my son. Like everyone now, at the end of this ball he need to choose someone. Someone that will live with him forever. Someone we can call, his soulmate. If I stopped everything, it's because it choose with who he want to spend the rest of his life.

He took a pause to let every person in the room stop breathing.

- King: My son, Sir.Johnny, choose to spend his life with the honorable Y/N.

You tried to breath again, but you couldn't. Your mother made you walk in front of everyone and you could see Johnny's face looking at you. You are so happy. This morning you would have prefer to stay at home and not come at all, but finally, you are so so so grateful that you mother took you here.

- Joh: Do you mind that I choose you?
- You: I don't mind at all!

You said that with a lot of enthusiasm, maybe too much, but you are really happy. Johnny is just perfect and you are really happy. Did you say that you are happy?

He didn't take more time before hugging you. Isn't it crazy? He choose you and not the pretty girl with red hair! After all these dresses and balls you are finally getting married. You may think it's crazy, because you don't really know him, but this is how it works and honestly, who will refuse such offer?

- End -

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