Im Jaebum

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{ Overprotective}

Jaebum is your brother's best friend. You always see him around and he is like a family member now. Even if your parents consider him like that, you don't like to see it that way, because he is like your crush since a long time, so it's kinda weird to say he is family member.

Another horrible day is waiting for you at school. Jinyoung called you to give you a ride to school. You quickly took a breakfast and followed him to his car. The ride wasn't long. Jaebum, he looked incredibly hot, and Youngjae joined you and now you are at school. You found your friends somewhere near the lockers and spend the rest of the time with them before your first class.

The diner came and you and your friends went to the cafeteria to eat.

- Popular girl: Eww, maybe you should change your style... it's awful!

She looked at you amused and you didn't respond. What could you respond to her? She will always win, that's what happen when you're popular.

- Jb:  Go find someone else to annoy.

She looked over him and let you alone. You smiled at Jaebum to thank him and followed your friends to eat. Maybe you forget to specify that your brother's group is the popular boy group, that's why she stopped.

You just finished your practice of volleyball and  Jinyoung is supposed to take you home, let's see if he will actually be there. The cold wind of the night hit your face and it felt good. You saw your brother's car, so you run to it. You opened the car and looked at the one sitting on the driver seat... Jaebum. Maybe you also forgot to mention that you have a little crush on him...

- Jb: Hey, Jinyoung had something to do so he asked me if I could pick you.
- You: And he gave you his car?
- Jb: Yeah. Are you coming or...?
- You: Oh yes...

You nervously laughed and took the place.

- Jb: Seatbelt on?
- You: Yep.

He nodded and started the car. He stayed silent and the atmosphere was heavy. You finally arrived to the parking of your house and you felt your heart beating again.

- You: Thanks for the ride and thanks for defending me earlier.
- Jb: Don't thank me, Astrid have to be put back in her place.
- You: Yeah... well good night?
- Jb: Actually... I'm sleeping at your house tonight.
- You: Oh.

He stopped the car and followed you in the house. You never went to your room as fast as that. You were really hungry so you decided, after a lot of breathing exercises to go downstairs and make yourself something. Jinyoung and Jaebeom are probably in his room so everything will be fine. At the end of the stairs you saw the two boys and you fell. Your head hit the floor and it hurt a lot.

- You: I... I'm fine...

You slowly get up and went to the kitchen to make something.

- Jin: There's some soup in the fridge if you want.
- You: Thanks.

You started making the soup boil and you went on your phone while the stove was making its job. While trying to put the soup in a bowl, you out your hand on the hot marmite and it burn.

- You: Dammit!

You immediately put cold water on it, but it didn't help at all. Plus, you put soup everywhere in the kitchen. The boys stopped there conversation and looked at you.

- Jin: You put soup everywhere!
- You: It hurt!!!

Tears started filling your eyes and you tried to not cry.

- Jb: Come upstairs, I'll put cream on it, it will stop hurting that much.

You followed him and you went in the bathroom. You sat on the counter and he took a special cream. He gently applied it on your hand while you were bitting your lips to not scream.

- Jb: Does it hurt?

You nodded your head not wanting to let out the weird sound of pain that would get out.

- Jb: Just wait a little it will get better.

You nodded again.

- Jb: You can talk or scream or complain if it hurts you know?

You finally let out the pain and almost cry.

- You: I'm so clumsy!
- Jb: Don't worry it's okay, i am too.

He looked at you and smiled.

- You: You can go back with Jinyoung, I'll be good. Thanks again.
- Jb: No problem. Does it still hurt?
- You: Kinda.

His lips approach your blessed hand and he kissed the top of it.

- Jb: Hope it will helps.

He winked at you and your belly get a storm of butterflies.

It stopped hurting a while after and you went back downstairs. You were still hungry. To be sure to not hurt yourself again or make a mess you decided to make yourself a cereal bowl.

- You: Who cleaned? I would have do it!
- Jb: I did and with your hand not sure you would have do it.
- You: Where's Jinyoung?
- Jb: He went pick up Mark.
- You: Oh.
- Jb: Oh and I made you your diner since you hurt yourself.
- You: Well... thank you, you didn't have to do that...

He just smiled at you and put the plate in front of you. You thank him once again and start eating. It was really good.

- You: Thanks, it was delicious.
- Jb: You're welcome. Since Jinyoung ain't going to come back until a moment... can you stay with me? I don't want to be alone...

You really wanted to leave, but he did so much things for you today that you couldn't say no.

- You: Yes of course. What should we do?

Your back was touching the wall while he was thinking.

- Jb: Maybe we can start by that...

He get up and stood in front of you.

- You: What are you doing?
- Jb: I want to do that since a long time.

His hand was next to your head and he slowly came closer to you. Your heart was beating so fast. When his lips finally touched yours, you almost fall, but you just kissed him back. Without knowing why, it just felt right. He didn't stop kissing you until Jinyoung was back. Even then... maybe you had a little kiss before going back to your room. Where you let out a loud scream of happiness. While kissing him you felt good, complete. You love him.

- End -

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