Me: I'm Not Crazy

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Meaning: NOONE has EVER called me a monster (My sis calls me idiotic) 'monster' is an insult I gave myself, NOONE is calling me monster but I'm calling myself monster to pay for EVERY tiny mistake I EVER did... I start to see that I'm NOT the monster, I'm a cancer so it's easy to make me emotional and I get offended VERY easily, and I feel like I can understand others pain, seeing others in pain makes me want to cry but seeing myself in pain makes me smile, I soon start to think I'm gone crazy even insane and but I keep telling myself that I'm NOT crazy, that I'm ok... and soon enough I'm about to snap at myself for EVER calling myself crazy because now it's permantly stuck in my mind and I used to think noone understood how I felt, to be hiding the pain then I found others who were like me and I... I honestly felt VERY bad for them, I knew that feeling, TBH I'm still going through that but I know MANY others have it worse... now a days I closed myelf from the world, barely talked to ANYONE even my own family, good sleep became something I wanted and needed but COULDN'T get... Oh and also I keep seeing weird shadows some of them different colors and NOONE believes me but that's ok! I'm ok! I also regret EVERYTHING I wrote in this song... IDK *Shrugs* it jst feels wrong... Like I'm talking to myself but I'm jst yelling at my mind to shut up for once...

I can’t believe this! They will NEVER believe me! I promise…. I’M NOT CRAZY!

Why doesn’t ANYONE believe me?

These are my words to the words of those who think I’m crazy, I hate that I’m different, we tried to fix my talking problem well atleast I tried to fix it. I’m called “Monster”, “Crazy”, “Idiotic”, and many other offensive things like that. But NONE of that matters right now… I’M NOT CRAZY! I’m NOT the monster here, I’m just here you may think I’m VERY hurtful but the truth is, your words are VERY hurtful to me, NO ONE EVER thought about why I do the things I do! I’M NOT CRAZY! I promise, you DON’T know me! I’m seeing multiple colored shadows, I’m done! STOP CALLING ME CRAZY! When you're NOT looking... I’m feeling like crying my eyes out. I hated this and I still do!

I can’t believe these lies filling my life with NO truths. Can you hear me? I come from two faces now I am one…  I’M NOT CRAZY! Can’t you see my eyes tearing up, I’m beating myself up just because I couldn’t control myself. NO ONE will EVER understand me! I’M NOT CRAZY!!

I’M NOT CRAZY! Woahhh! See what you all done? I promise you will NEVER see your mistakes in my life, I closed my heart from the world, I’M NOT CRAZY! STOP saying I am crazy! I HATED this and I still do!

See my eyes… You CAN’T or WON’T stop your shouting, I HATED this and I still do! I’M NOT CRAZY! Stop saying I am! I just want to be normal… I HATED this and I still do! I’M NOT CRAZY! Stop saying I am!

I HATED this and I still do! I’M NOT CRAZY! Stop saying I am! Woahhh! LEAVE ME ALONE! I’ve been seeing different colored shadows but NOONE believes me about them! My sister thinks they are JUST birds! But I don’t think birds can stand on two legs and lurk behind me... I HATED this and I still do! I’M NOT CRAZY! Stop saying I am!

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