Pokemon: Holy's Song: Sacrifice

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Meaning + Some AU: Holy is a holy pokemon aka the daughter of Shiny Xerneas... She has barely sinned but feels like she has NO excuse for ending a holy guard for ending her sis, she felt like she had NO good reason to do what she did, Holy Water's sister, Fallen Holy used to look ACTUALLY like Holy but then she crossed the border to Distortion World and became a fallen angel then a holy guard tried to end her and succeeded, Holy blames herself for what happened to her sis and feels like sacrificing herself for Fallen, NOT caring what happened to herself... Holy, Ev, and Aqua are BEST friends and have been even before CONTROL decided to show herself to EVERYONE, Both Holy and Ev were meant to watch over Aqua, Ev became a part of Aqua and Holy and Aqua souls were 1, they knew when 1 another was in danger... Holy starts caring about EVERYONE but herself and states "Guess I have NO excuse for what I did..." even though she did have good reasons for EVERYTHING she has EVER done...


Guess I have NO excuse for what I did...


Be more specific, I know it seems hard but that’s NO excuse... Try to make up excuses just so she could live another day, Evil troubles, NO excuse...

So I went to that holy guard that ended her and gave him a piece of my mind... Too bad it WASN’T enough, NOTHING is enough... I wish that I had a reason for why I did that, even though I did have 1, it didn’t seem good enough

Might as well sacrifice myself, be more holy, they’re screaming at me to LEAVE. MY. HOME. but I CAN’T, I’ve tried SO hard but still got NOTHING... I might as well sacrifice myself, sacrifice my worth and meaning, knowing me...? I’m worthless

S--S--Sacrifice... DON’T make me regret this... S--S--Sacrifice, CAN’T take it ANYMORE!

Maybe I’d be good enough if I actually tried... Broken along the time, why couldn’t I save her when she needed me the MOST!? My sister... (Fallen...) I’m sorry but sorry WON’T fix it... Throw away my meaning, think of EVERYONE but myself...

Might as well sacrifice myself, it’d be better for EVERYONE, NOONE wants me here after all... Why COULDN’T I keep quiet? Did they want something? If I sacrifice myself would ANYONE care or am I just alone in this world?

Sent down from Holy World to watch over her, Ev and Aqua, friends for life! (Yeah, Right!) They were ALL I had left after I left Holy World... I DON’T exist but EVERYONE thinks I do... They really cared for me (Yeah, right) I belong here! (Just die already!)

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