Continuar and Perra: In The Fire

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Meaning: In DraGOn Watcher: Season 1: Book 1, Perra dies because I stabbed a knife into her head, ending her and after Corrupted Me dies from my sis... (Both me and Corrupted Me die when she stabs us) and some others die, ONLY FW (My sis) and Continuar are left alive and they survive a HUGE fire somehow and are looking to start over but at the end Continuar asks my sis a VERY weird and creepy question... Continuar states "I am NOT you enemy..." which means there's someone who's the REAL enemy, that's been hiding in plain sight... In DraGOn Watcher 2: Gardien DraGOn, Continuar and Perra seem to be working together with Me and My Sis so they MUST be traitors, right...? Well no! They actually took the good side over the evil side and realized that if they want to be able to love again and actually feel emotions other than agony, rage, and insanity then they'll have to work with Me and My Sis, they hesitiate at 1st but agree, and in DraGOn Watcher: Season 1: Book 3 we get introduced to the REAL evil of DraGOn Watcher and so on...

~What continuar said~

Continuar Vigilante’s pov
I looked at Ashley as she talked about random things, It was really nothing important... at least until I said something in a glitchy voice “You know me... don’t you remember me?” I laughed as Ashley backed away as I just smiled and said in my glitchy voice “I am NOT your enemy... I am Continuar Vigilante... Do you remember HER name?”

~In The Fire~

Continuar: There wasn’t anything I let get in my way but in the fire I’m more weak than ever... in the fire is where I let my identity burn me in the flames that aren’t hot but are destroying me from the inside out with my identity...

Perra: There is violence in emotions but there ain’t anything I can’t prove because in this fire I’m your nightmare here I’ll make you feel my rage in the-- *Knife stabbing sound effect* f-fire...

Continuar: We had to go back for her but you told me that it was impossible... I let you boss me around now the fire destroyed me with my identity because I am living in the fire you made to burn me down... to get me low but like the flames... I’LL RAISE HIGH! HIGHER THAN YOU! OHHH HIGHER THAN THE FLAME IN THE FIRE OHHH!

Perra: You gave the word broken a whole new meaning when you ended me in such a brutal way now I’m mad at you for what you did now I’m the burning star that you tried to erase and unlike the mortals I’ll rise from in the fire and I won’t stop until you're dead...

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