What about angels || Sprace

Start from the beginning

"Albert?" A new voice pulled him out of the sleepily state he was in. He looked up at the small, but muscular, brunette who was standing in front of him, his left eyebrow quirked up as high as possible. "What's the matter?" 
"Mike and Ike didn't tell you?"  Albert questioned a little surprised. Normally both boys jumped at the chance to gossip about anyone. 
"They told me that something was wrong and that Jack needed my help, but since you are sitting on the floor next to a door, I suspect that it's not Jack that needs help." His head was now tipped to the side a little. "So what is it that I had to come all the way from Brooklyn for." Albert sighed, still a little hesitating. It felt like betraying Race, bringing his boyfriend into the mix, but he didn't have another choice did he?
"Race locked himself in there and he wont open the door." The red head looked at the Brooklyn leader as his emotions changed, getting a little more tense then before, but at the same time a slight smile came to his lips. "What are you smiling about?" Albert was on the verge of yelling at the Brooklyn boy, but he was cut of before he could.
"I'm just glad you called me to help here instead of leaving me in the dark." Spot offered his hand to Albert and pulled the red head up as soon as their hands had locked around the other's  wrist. 
"I'll leave you two be." Albert nodded before making his way to his bed, exhausted from everything, though he was pretty sure Crutchie, Specs, Jack, Finch and Davey were waiting for him there. He could hear Romeo trying to keep the little ones in check, including Les, so the older boys should be gathered together in the bedroom.

To say that Race had hit rock bottom was an understatement. He'd rather describe it as buried in the pits of hell. He could hear all of his friends on the other side of the door. Jack getting upset, Albert trying to get to him. And, yes, he wanted to open the door, but he couldn't. The bottle of wine in his right hand kept him in place. Well not literally the bottle, more like all the wine that was already in his body adding how shit he was feeling already without it. 
"Racetrack?" A voice he hadn't heard that day suddenly sounded. He hadn't noticed drifting of into his mind, but he had nearly jumped as the voice was a little louder than the one previous.
"What do you want Spot?" It was the first time Race had spoken in a while, but he couldn't stop himself. It was his one true love standing on the other side of the door, not just one of his brothers. While taking a sip from the nearly empty bottle, he sat up a little straighter.
"What's wrong, baby." Spot's voice had grown softer with every word he said. It almost made Race open the door.
"Go away, Spot. Just leave me be." Race's voice cracked a little as he spoke. 
"Not before you tell me what's wrong." This soft side was something Spot never showed anyone except for Race himself. The blond didn't feel like reacting anymore though and settled to drinking in silence again. As he emptied the bottle, he heard footsteps retracting from the door. He let out a relieved sigh, he didn't feel like facing the boy for much longer. He put his cigar in his mouth and, for the first time in a while, lit it. 
"You shouldn't smoke you know." Race jumped up from where he was sitting at the table. 
"How in h-" Race cut himself of to take his cigar out of his mouth so it wouldn't fall on the ground and probably burn the whole place down. "How'd you get in?"
"'Hattan boys ain't the brightest, are they?" Spot joked lightly, but his small smile dropped when Race's reaction didn't come. "There is a window on the east side. It was open, so I climbed through it. One of the actual pros of being small." His second attempt of joking didn't work either. Though he had to admit that joking wasn't one of his strong points. "You look like hell." He stated as he set a few steps in Race's direction. 
"Gotta look like how you feel, I suppose." Race mumbled as he put the cigar back in his mouth. 
"What do you mean?" Spot questioned as he closed the remaining space between them and put his hand on the taller boy's shoulder. Race just let out a puff of air and smoke. "You got to talk to me, Racer." 
"I got to tell you nothing." Race told the smaller boy as he tried to get away, to grab a new bottle of wine. Spot stopped him by placing his hand on the other boy's arm.
"Race, I'm here for you. Let me help you." They locked eyes for a second and Spot could see the desperation in Race's eyes. "I know how you feel."
"You know nothing about how it feels like to hate yourself so much that you'd rather break every reflecting object in all of existence and then kill yourself with the shards than live one single moment more on this earth!" He began soft, but ended nearly yelling with tears rolling violently over his dirtied cheeks. He hadn't planned on breaking this fast. Hell, he hadn't been planning on breaking at all, but the alcohol in his system might have made him a little out of control. 
"And that every time you wake up you wish you didn't?" Spot added in the same soft voice as earlier.
"How...?" Race was taken aback by what his boyfriend had said. Sure, neither of them was 100% okay, but he would never have though that that's what lived inside the Brooklyn leader's head. 
"Because there was this time that I nearly ended it all, but then I met an angel." Spot whispered. 
"Who?" Race was taken aback by the sudden open mind that Spot had become. Sure, Spot was open towards him, but never like that.
"You. You are that angel." Spot cupped Race's cheek with his hand, wiping the tears from the boy's face. 
"Bu-" Race was about to counteract the statement, but Spot shushed him.
"Angels are what make us special. You are an angel and you have so many more on your shoulders." Spot placed a kiss on the blond boy's cheek. "Every single one of those damn boys cares. If you don't believe you're your own angel, let them be yours. And you're theirs." 
"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry." Race fell forward into Spot's arms, suddenly exhausted. The shorter boy caught him with ease. 
"You have nothing to be sorry about, Racer." Spot whispered as he wrapped an arm around Race's shoulder and the other underneath his knees, now carrying him bridal style. Race's head rested on Spot's shoulder as they made their way out of the room. Spot did struggle with the lock a few seconds, but opened it eventually. By the time they were out of the room, Race was already sound asleep. On the other side of the door he came face to face with a worried looking Crutchie. 
"How is he?" The crippled boy asked while looking at the sleeping boy. He streched out his free arm and brushed softly through the messy curls.
"He's tired, miserable and drunk, but he will be fine. Eventually." Crutchie let out a sigh of relief at this. 
"We should put him in bed." Crutchie stated as he retracted his hand from the boy's hair. Spot nodded and followed the boy to the bedroom. Once in there he saw Jack was already asleep on one side of the room, his head resting on Davey's lap and Albert was on the other side asleep with his arms wrapped around Specs' legs, who was reading a, probably stolen, book. Crutchie guided him towards an empty bed in the far corner of the room. 
"Do you want us to take him or are you staying?" Finch asked while coming up behind Crutchie. His voice was kept low enough to not disturb the other boys, but loud enough for the two of them to hear.
"I'm staying. He will feel terrible in the morning." Spot laid Race down on the bed and then climbed in himself.
"Alright, good night." Crutchie bit them farewell andFinch soon followed, feeling slightly awkward.
"Good night angel of mine." Spot whispered as he placed a kiss on the hair of the boy that was resting his head on his chest.
"Good night." Came a soft response before the blond was truely asleep.

Sorry for the slightly smaller chapter (and it sucks) and that I haven't updated this story in a while. It's just a little crazy with school and all. I'll try to make more during the break. 

If you have ANY request, please do tell me (in comments or privately since I love talking to y'all).

Hope you all are save and sound. Don't give up, even the darkest nights will end and the sun will rise.

~ F

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