-Third Person POV-
The whole team was in simple terms, a wreck. Banner had lost control and turned into the Hulk, Clint had fought against Natasha with Natasha winning, and Thor was somewhere not known after falling with the cell. Steve and Tony tolerated each other to fix one of the engines, but there are currently two main problems on the ship. One, Agent Coulson was pronounced dead by Fury, and Loki and Lorna had escaped.

Despite the team being split apart, Clint was back. Natasha hit his head really hard against a railing when they fought. Clint came out of his trance from the sceptre as he was confused. Natasha explained everything that had happened as Clint was pissed off with Loki and Lorna, especially Loki.

After the attack of the controlled agents, Steve and Tony were sitting at a table. Fury was at the end, explaining Agent Coulson's death.

"These were in Phil Coulson's jacket. Guess he never did get you to sign them."

Fury threw Coulson's Captain America trading cards on the table, sliding them towards Steve. Steve picked them up, noticing they were stained with blood.

"We're dead in the air up here. Our communications, location of the cube, Banner, Thor; I got nothing for you. Lost my one good eye. Maybe I had that coming," Fury sighed before continuing, "Yes, we were going to build an arsenal with the Tesseract. I never put all my chips on that number though, because I was playing something even riskier."

Steve looked at Fury confused. Tony glanced at Fury, knowing exactly what Fury was about to say next.

"There was an idea, Stark knows this, called 'The Avengers Initiative.' The idea was to bring together a group of remarkable people, see if they could become something more. See if they could work together when we needed them to, to fight the battles that we never could. Phil Coulson died still believing in that idea—in heroes."

Tony stood up and walked out the room, not interested in what else Fury had to say. Steve however, was in his own thoughts, holding Agent Coulson's trading cards.

-Your POV-
"So that was your move?" I asked, looking up where the portal would soon be.

"If there is conflict, then there is nothing holding that team together making this mission much easier than expected," Loki stated, looking down at the sceptre again.

Loki walked out on the gauntlet, where Iron Man would normally land before walking inside his penthouse. I followed behind while Loki used his seidr to materialise us both into armour. Shortly after, the world around Loki and I materialised back to where we last spoke with the Other.

"My time has come," Loki said.

"Resistance," the Other croaked.

I took a step forward, "From a few. They'll pick the rest apart."

The Other turned, looking at Loki. "And what about the rest, conqueror?"

"Mow them down," Loki said without remorse.

The Other smirked for a quick second before glancing at me. The Other quickly dropped its smirk, not looking amused. "Chitauri aren't patient beings Loki and Polaris," the Other spat.

"They are going to have to be patient because being impatient won't make the portal open up any faster," I snapped.

The Other gritted its teeth, circling around Loki and me like we were its prey. "You may be stronger than a mere mortal foolish girl but that doesn't mean you are invincible! You break, you can be defeated, and you can lose! I'd advise to not stick your head up higher than you can reach little one."

I was about to charge at The Other but stopped once Loki death gripped my shoulder.

"Asgardian, keep that girl on a leash and make sure she knows where she stands against everyone else! Otherwise, get rid of her. Remember what Thanos said, 'She is merely a bonus to this plan,' she isn't needed so she's disposable. Keep her in line or I'll dispose of her myself!"

Loki didn't say anything back as we were back in New York.

-Third Person POV-
Tony stared at where the cell that held Loki and Lorna was. Steve entered the room, walking up to Tony.

"Was he married?" Steve asked.

Leaning against the railing, Tony responded, "No. There was a uh cellist, I think."

"I'm sorry. He seemed like a good man."

"He was an idiot," Tony stated, getting annoyed.

"Why? For believing?"

"For taking on Loki and Polaris alone."

"He was doing his job."

"He was out of his league. He should have waited. He should have-"

Steve cut off Tony, saying, "Sometimes there isn't a way out Tony."

Tony began walking away. "Right. How did that work out for him?"

"Is this the first time you've lost a soldier?"

Tony quickly turned back around angry, marching up to Steve. "We are not soldiers! I am not marching to Fury's fife!" Tony half-whispered and half-shouted in Steve's face

"Neither am I! He's got the same blood on his hands as Loki and Polaris do. Right now we've got to put that aside and get this done. Now Loki and Polaris need a power source, if we can put together a list-"

Tony stopped, looking at the blood stained wall where Coulson died leaning against.

"He made it personal."

"That's not the point," Steve said confused and annoyed.

"That is the point. That's Loki's point. He hit us all right where we live. Why?"

"To tear us apart."

"He had to conquer his greed, but he knows he has to take us out to win, right? That's what he wants. He wants to beat us and he wants to be seen doing it. He wants an audience."

"Right, I caught his act at Stuttengard."

"Yeah. That's just a preview, this is opening night. Polaris isn't as dramatic, vengeful, and full of blood lust as Loki seems to be. Loki's a full-tilt diva. He wants flowers, he wants parades, he wants a monument built in the skies with his name plastered," Tony paused, deep in thought. "Son of a bitch!"

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