"Of course, Milady it will be done." Zoe said before ushering the girls into groups to comply with Artemis's wishes.

Artemis turned towards the group of demi-gods and considered what to do with all of them. She knew that her sister would not join the hunt so that left the unknown maiden to address. Ignoring the boys and satyr, Artemis addressed the young maiden.

"Young one, what is your name?" She asked the girl.

"My name is Bianca Di Angelo." The now named Bianca said.

"Would you please follow me to my tent, I would like to speak to you." Artemis said to the young maiden.

"What about me?" The young boy asked.

The moon goddess considered the boy. "Perhaps you could show Grover how to play that card game of yours? I would believe that he would be happy to entertain you... as a favor to me?"

"You bet Milady. Come on Nico." Grover said while tripping over himself in the process.

Pinching the bridge of her nose, Artemis swore to herself if she ever found Pan that she will have some words with him regarding the infatuation the satyrs have towards her.

Speaking of the satyr, right as the wind shifted, he suddenly stopped and turned to Percy Jackson the son of Poseidon.

"Um, Perc...I can smell another monster."

This got her attention once again. "What do you mean? What do you smell?" Artemis asks with a little urgency in her voice.

"I don't know Milady, it's scent, it's different from what I smelled before." Grover said nervously.

"Describe it." She ordered while signaling her hunters to be ready for anything.

It took Grover a few moments to pinpoint the most suitable description while Abby hoped that she was not about to die.

"It reeks a lot like Cerberus, yet it is different. I am picking up the smell of fur and forest yet there is something that I cannot pick up on, but I am also getting a human smell mixed within all of this."

"How do you know what a Cerberus smells like?" Zoe asked just as she was about to leave for the school.

"Zoe, these are the ones that were sent to retrieve my father's bolt two years ago." Artemis said noting that Zoe seemed to look at the group with a bit more apprehensively, this of course made her glad as it would not do well if her lieutenant would dismiss potential threats even if they look harmless.

"Zoe, please take Bianca to my tent. Phoebe would you please choose a few of your sisters and retrieve our guest's things from school. Grover, would you continue on with the boy." She ordered before turning towards the woods trying to sense for the unknown guest.

"I will go and find our unexpected guest." Artemis stated before flashing out.


Abby could not believe her luck, this meeting with the goddess of the hunt could either go in her favor or cause her death. After all she was not a demi-god nor a normal demi-monster. Abby knew that she would not escape this encounter, yet she did ensure that she had everything ready to defend herself if need be.

Moments later, Abby felt a powerful present appearing just behind her. Turning slowly, Abby found herself facing the beautiful yet powerful Lady Artemis. She soon found her eyes wandering over this goddess.

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