Chapter 5

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Michael's POV

I have no chance, now.

There's no words to explain the things I'm feeling. I feel miserable.

I'm so selfish for feeling miserable. I have so much to be happy for. I have friends and the most amazing fans. My fans wouldn't want me to be miserable. They would want me to be happy.

I heard the bus door open.

"Michael!" Josh called out.

He opened the curtains to my bunk and sat on the end of the bed.

"So," He said. "what happened?"

"He's with someone."

He rubbed his eyes. "Man, if we would've known he was with someone, we wouldn't have done that."

"It's just," I said. "why are you trying to get us back together?"

"Because, Mike, we hate seeing you like this." He said. "You're miserable."

I didn't say anything.

"I mean," Josh said. "maybe it's time to snap out of this fucking daze. We all miss him, and I know you miss him the most, but wallowing in your self pity won't change a damn thing."

I got out of my bunk. "Whatever." I said before walking out of the bus.

Just like I've done for the past year, I'm going to drink my pain away.

Even though it'll be back in the morning.


I got a beer and sat alone at the bar.

Maybe Josh is right. Maybe I need to suck it up and stop wallowing in my self pity.

A man came over to me.

"You good, man?" He said.

"Um," I started. "yeah, yeah. I'm fine."

He sat on the stool next to mine.

"Seem down."

I faked a chuckle. "I'm good."

"Get it together, man." He said.

I actually did chuckle at that. "Well, who the fuck are you?"

"Just saying. Ya' making other people down."

"I don't care." I said. "Leave me alone."

"Calm down, damn"

"Go away," I said.

"Quit being chicken shit."

"Please, just go look for trouble somewhere else." I said.

He laughed. "Tryin' to look tough, gay boy?"

"You're drunk," I said. "and there's nobody here to look tough for."

"There's plenty of people here." His dumb self said.

"I meant there's nobody here with me."

He laughed while trying to come up with something to say. "Quit mopin', faggot." He slurred.

"You don't fucking know me, back off."

Nothing he was saying made any sense.

"Cryin' over some boy, ya' queer?"

"I'm not in the mood for this damn bullshit." I said, firmly. "I didn't come here for trouble."

"Stand up for yourself, man." The bartender whispered.

"I can't." I said.

"He's too much of a pussy." The troublemaker said.

"Go cause trouble somewhere else!" I yelled.

"Come on, man, back off." The bartender said.

The guy laughed and by that point, I had enough.

I threw my beer on the ground and the glass shattered.

I spun around and punched the guy in the lip. Then, I ran out of the bar.

I ran down the sidewalks, trying to quickly get back to the lot

Finally, I got there and the guys were outside, freaking out.

"Where the hell did you go?" Sky said.

I ignored them and walked into the bus.

I opened the fridge and downed a bottle of tequila since that jack ass wouldn't leave me alone long enough to drink my sorrows away at the bar.

I heard someone come in the bus.

"Michael, what happened?" A.J. said.

I threw the bottle in his direction, but not directly at him. I didn't want to hit him with it, I just want him to leave me alone. It shattered and A.J. flinched.

"Leave me alone!" I yelled.

"What's wrong with you?" He yelled.

The others ran into the bus, probably because of the sound of the glass shattering.

They all have me looks that only pissed me off further.

"What's gotten into you?" Ty said.

I didn't say anything. Instead, I stormed out of the bus and that's all I remembered for a while.

Going in Circles(Sequel to Please, Don't Speak that Way)Where stories live. Discover now