Chapter 2

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Ty's POV

Today is the first day of Warped.

Everyone, except for Michael, has already gotten picked up.

"Since this is really the only time we'll get without Michael, we need to talk about how we're going to get him and Tyler back together." I said.

"Right," Sky said.

"Meeting in the back lounge!" I called out to Josh and A.J., who were in their bunks.

"I want to sleep!" A.J. called back.

"Too bad! It's about Tyler and Michael!"

They came into the back lounge like bears who have just been disturbed during hibernation.

Our replacement singer, Teddy, is seriously the coolest dude. He understands that his spot in the band might not last and he's super willing to help get our homies back together.

"Just want y'all to know that if we do get Tyler and Michael back together, I'll be more than happy to give Tyler is spot in the band back." Teddy said.

I'm telling you; coolest dude.

"So, how we goin' to do this?" Sky said.

"I think we should shoot for getting them locked on the bus together by accident." Josh said, using emphasis around 'accident'.

"Yeah, definitely. It'll be just them-- they'll be forced to talk. I think that's our best bet." Josh said.

"Well, Tyler won't come onto the bus because he'll know Michael is here." Sky said.

"True," I said.

We rushed ourselves to come up with another solution before we got to Michael's house.

"I know!" Teddy said. "We can plan a fake bus party with another band and both Tyler and Michael will be invited. Neither of them will know the other will be there and they'll think other people will be there. But, it'll be only them."

"That's genius!" Josh said.

"Thank you, thank you." Teddy said.

The bus came to a stop and we soon heard Michael in the bunks.

We all shushed each other.

"Act normal." A.J. said.

Michael came into the back lounge and sat on the couch.

"Hey, guys." He said.

"What's up, Mike?" I Josh said.

"Hey, homie." I said.

"Yo, haven't seen you in forever." A.J. said.

"How have you been? I've been great." Sky said.

All at the same time, I may mention.

He looked at us all weird. "Why are you talking so much?"

"No reason." We all said.

"You guys are acting weird." He said, before standing up.

"I'm going to pretend you guys aren't awkward. Then, I'm going to go catch up on my beauty sleep." He said.

Going in Circles(Sequel to Please, Don't Speak that Way)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя